11 Tips To Repair A Broken Metabolism

The classic signs of a broken metabolism are lack of weight loss progress, low body temperature, and a history of dieting. Read or watch below for 11 tips fo fix your broken metabolism.

Learn How The 3-Week Metabolism Diet Resets Your Metabolism and Kickstarts Your Fat-Burning Hormones Into Overdrive

You’re eating healthy, exercising 4 times per week, and you’ve even given up sodas, chips, or fast food, but STILL aren’t seeing results?

You’re doing everything right or at least you THINK you are…what gives?

Lack of results is a classic sign of a damaged or broken metabolism.

If you’ve ever gone on a diet, been overly stressed, cut calories, went on a workout binge, or taken metabolism boosting supplements you probably have a broken metabolism.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is your metabolism can easily be fixed using the 11 tips I’ll be sharing in this short article.

Think of this article as the beginning stages of a much needed metabolic makeover, since most transformation starts with an awareness of a problem.

90% of my clients who take my 10-Minute Metabolism Audit immediately identify their number one metabolism killer.

1. Stop Dieting.

Crash diets, diet pills, and lose-weight-quick fixes might give you fast results, but all they’re really doing is slowly, but surely slowing down your already hurting metabolism. Fad diets are much more detrimental to your health and body than losing weight at a slower, but more consistent pace. Plus, you’ll actually keep the weight off doing it this way.

Learn How Crystal lost 19 pounds and 18 inches with The 3-Week Metabolism System eating MORE and exercising LESS

2.) Avoid Refined Sugars and Artificial Sweeteners.

Having loads of sugar floating around in your blood stream created a vicious cycle of hormonal imbalances. You want your body to be running as efficiently as possible – so stop justifying your daily does of sweets. And no, articificial sweeteners shouldn’t replace sugars and high-fructose corn syrup, since it’s scientifically proven they contribute to biochemical imbalances.

3.) Β Skip Cardio and Start Metabolic Workouts.

Cardio can contribute to excess cortisol, which leads to muscle loss and lowered thyroid function. If your goal is to build fat-burning lean muscle AND burn more calories than running for 30 minutes on a treadmill, then a metabolic resistance training exercise program is perfect for you. Here is a 9-week metabolic workout program I made for youΒ 

4. Eat 5-6 Meals a Day.

Unlike the typical breakfast, lunch and dinner routine, eating several small meals can prevent your metabolism from slowing down throughout the day. The key to eating metabolism boosting meals is balancing your macronutrients. Start off with a high-quality protein, then a non-inflammatory fat, then top off your meal with easily digestible carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, starches, gluten-free grains, etc…). It’s also important you learn the art of strategic snacking, which you can learn more about by grabbing a meal plan…

Download a FREE Metabolism Boosting Meal Plan

5. Practice Mindful Breathing.

Stress is a metabolism killer. The hormonal and biochemical consequence of chronic stress leads to adrenal fatigue, decreased thyroid function, poor digestion, and loss of muscle mass. This is a recipe of a slow and sluggish metabolism. Find 10 minutes a day to take a few deep diaphragmatic breaths, relax, and watch your stressors float away.

6. Avoid β€œfake” foods.

Some of the best advice I give my nutrition clients is to try to eat real food. This means trying to eat as organic as possible most of the time, but not obsessing about ONLY eating organic, since that’s next to impossible. Additives, preservatives, and chemicals can significantly slow down your metabolic rate, by overloading your liver with toxins.

Does Your Liver Need a Detox? ReadΒ why your liver is the most important organ for a healthy thyroid and metabolism

7. Get some sleep.

That β€œrunning on empty” feeling you have when you haven’t had enough rest is exactly how your metabolism is functioning. Catching some high quality Zs could help you reboot your metabolism. Lack of sleep can literally make or break your fat loss efforts, because even just one bad night of sleep has significant hormonal consequences. Shoot for 7-8 hours of sleep every night from the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

8. Eat more fat.

Of course, the disclaimer on this tip is that the type of fat matters. Most people would think either, fat isn’t healthy or they would think something like vegetable oils are the healthiest fat Both would be wrong. We need to start eating more saturated and monounsaturated fats in our diet and avoid polyunsaturated fats. Saturated fats can boost your metabolism by cleansing the liver, boosting thyroid hormone, and promoting energy metabolism.

9. Drink more water.

This is probably the most generic tip on this list, because I know you here this one all of the time. Drinking enough water is the easiest way to guarantee you you’re your detoxification organs, which are very important for most metabolic functions, functioning optimally. The best water to drink is spring or mineral. To take things a step further and to increase absorption, add a pinch of sea salt to your water.

10.Β Limit Your Carbs On Low Activity Days.Β 

The more you exercise, the more carbs you can “afford” to eat. Carbs are FUEL for our bodies, so they give you energy for exercise and your metabolic processes, BUT if you’re inactive say all day Wednesday but decide to eat a gluten-free sandwich for lunch, a bunch of fruit for a snack, then sweet potatoes for dinner, that’s A LOT of carbs for a day that you didn’t exercise.

That eating day should look more like a day that you’re coming to a workout session.

Eat a lower carb day if you’re planning a skipping or have to skip a workout session.

I’m not saying to avoid carbs at all costs or eat all the carbs on workout days, I’m saying carbs are energy.

You need them, but you don’t need a lot of them.

You need less on low-energy days (no exercise) and more on high-energy days (exercise).

Carb-cycling and macro-balancing helps you lose stubborn fat while eating MORE carbs and healthy fats. Learn howΒ Jacquelyn reversed years of eating inflammatory foods and lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks…

11. Stay consistent.

This one might throw you for a loop, but it’s probably the most important β€œtip” a metabolism expert could give. I have 2 of the best metabolism boosting programs online, but they are both worthless if you don’t follow through with the program. You might as well keep doing what you’ve always done, because if you want results you need to actually commit to a program.

With both of my programs I include an accountability, coaching, and support element that helps you stay consistent.

Start with my best-selling program The 3-Week Metabolism Diet that shows you exactly how to eat for a fat-burning metabolism: Learn More HERE

Remember, your daily habits make or break your ability to lose weight and get healthy. Choose the right habits that give you the best results possible.

Helping you transform your body one metabolism repairing habit at a time,


P.S. Check out what others are saying about The 3-Week Metabolism Diet

Learn about The 3-Week Metabolism Diet and how you can reestablish metabolic health in just 21 days.

Do you think you have a damaged metabolism from your years of dieting and not taking care of yourself? Have you tried any of these tips to start living a healthier life?

P.S. I have an exclusive article I just whipped up for you revealing theΒ 5 Common Things that are KILLING Your Metabolism, Causing You Hormonal Weight Gain. If I were you, I would avoid these things sooner rather than later. Your health depends on it.

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