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The 8 Metabolism Killers Keeping You Overweight

If you’ve tried everything to lose weight and get rid of excess body fat, but your efforts produce minimal or no results you could be slowly killing your metabolism with one of more of these metabolism killers. From eating too many carbs, too little carbs, the wrong kinds of fats, and the wrong exercise your habits could be destroying your fat-burning metabolism.

In the previous “Metabolism Masterclass” video we discussed the 6 Principles for a Fat-Burning Metabolism. In today’s video I’m uncovering the 8 metabolism killers that are not only destroying your metabolism, but keeping you overweight.

The 8 Metabolism Killers Keeping Your Overweight and Unhealthy

1.) High-Carb Breakfast

You’ve been told over and over that people who eat a morning meal tend to have smaller waistlines, but some find that eating breakfast actually makes them hungrier. If you can relate, it may be that the “healthy breakfast” you’re eating—such as cereal, bagel, and fruit—contains too many carbs.

Think about this way, you’ve basically been fasting all night while you’ve been asleep, so your blood sugar is LOW. Not “bad” low, just low like it should be upon waking in the morning.

Flooding your body with tons of sugar and carbs is not the way to start your day.

When you have a sluggish metabolism, it’s often a sign that you have some insulin resistance—your body is having a hard time moving sugar from your bloodstream into your cells for fuel, and when that doesn’t work right, you feel hungry even when you’re physically not.  This is especially noticeable after you wake up.

In the morning, insulin levels are high—eat a high-carb meal, and insulin rises even more, then nosedives quickly, leaving you ravenous by noon.

Main Metabolism Parts This Affects: Liver, Thyroid, Muscle, Body

If You Do This One “Weird” Metabolism Trick First Thing In The Morning You Could Lose Up To 10.5 Inches and 12.2 Pounds in 3 Weeks Just Like a 38-Year Old Texas Woman Did…

2.) Low-Protein Lunch

All day your body is going through a process called protein turnover, basically breaking down its own muscle tissues. Totally normal, but many women don’t eat enough protein (which contains amino acids, the main “food” for muscles), to counteract this effect and properly maintain lean mass. Not good since the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn no matter what you’re doing.

Protein is essential for tissue repair and muscle building. If your protein is low, your muscles can begin to deteriorate.

Inadequate protein leads to:

  • Cravings
  • Brain Fog
  • Poor skin and hair health
  • Muscle loss, weakness, and fatigue

Here’s a worst case scenario I see all too often: high-carb breakfast, sugary coffee drink, low-protein lunch, sugary coffee drink, and high-fat dinner

This eating day is typical for most women and this leads to chronically low protein levels and a sluggish metabolism.

Main Metabolism Parts This Affects: Liver, Thyroid, Muscle, Body

The 3-Week Metabolism Helps Optimize Your Carbs and Protein…Click HERE to Learn How

3.) Skipping Meals

This metabolism killer is probably the most common in our society.

Here’s why: DIETS!

When you go on calorie restrictive diets your body goes into survival mode, saving energy by lowering your body temperature, reducing pulse, and slowing thyroid function.

ALL things that cause eventual weight gain.

Typical signs you can’t lose weight because you aren’t eating enough are feeling stressed out all of the time, food cravings, cold hands and feet/below 98.6 body temperature, low energy, and of course, stubborn fat.

Remember, every day you eat fewer calories than you should, your fat cells become stronger, healthier, and less susceptible to being released/burned.

I feel the need to elaborate on a specific consequence of a past full of low-fat, low-sugar, and skipping meals, a severely slow metabolism.

Because you’ve been lead to believe the only to lose weight is to be in a calorie deficit, most women start dieting, then slash their calories and add a large amount of exercise to their daily routine.

All of a sudden you have an extreme calorie deficit that is working against you. This leads to:

– Slowed thyroid production

– Decrease in muscle mass

– Increase in stress hormones

– Overall decrease in energy levels

While the symptoms of a damage metabolism are obvious to you, since you are experiencing them daily, this “reason” for lack of weight loss probably hasn’t crossed your mind.

It’s a tough pill to swallow to accept that your dieting past has negatively affected your healthy present and future weight loss.

While it may be very difficult to recover from a past full of yo-yo diets, it’s NOT impossible

It starts with acceptance and eating food.

Main Metabolism Parts This Affects: Liver, Thyroid, Adrenals, Muscle, Body

Learn how to use the ANTI-diet metabolism-focused approach to lose stubborn fat

4.) High-Stress Exercise

Wait a minute, I thought all exercise was, well…good for you?

Maybe 200 years ago when we didn’t lead such stressful lives without any other psychological, physiological, and mental worries.

The fact is, we are over-stressed and that means our stress hormones are elevated way more than they should be.

High-stress exercise that burdens the adrenal glands like steady state cardio, dance/step classes, overdoing HIIT workouts, Crossfit, and others can actually have a negative effect on your metabolism.

The culprit?

Cortisol, our “stress hormone” is over-secreted from constant stressors.

Undereating, overeating, over-exercising, under-exercising, mental/emotional stress, and more…all cause cortisol dysregulation.

Excess cortisol breaks down metabolically active tissue and causes adrenal fatigue.

Main Metabolism Parts This Affects: Thyroid, Adrenals, Muscle, Body

For the ONLY type of exercise that keeps cortisol levels low, try these 3-Week Metabolism Diet workout videos

5.) Low-Carb Diets

It’s NOT carbs making you fat, it’s the type of carbs and the timing of carbs that are contributing to your weight gain.

I bet you didn’t know that our body’s primary fuel source is glucose.

And the very definition of glucose is “sugar.”

The fact of the matter remains that starch and sugar are essential sources of energy for humans.

A low carb diet works extremely well for those with insulin resistance because it quickly lowers basal insulin levels and blood glucose in those with metabolic syndrome. It also requires less first- and second-stage insulin release, which allows the body’s metabolism to function more normally.

Typical “low carbohydrate” meal replacement bars and shakes, ice creams or ice cream sandwiches, and other low carb or sugar-free snacks often contain potentially unhealthy ingredients and are full of preservatives and highly processed ingredients. If your low carbohydrate diet involves boxed, wrapped and packaged food, it probably falls into this category.

There can be long term health issues as your body is chronically carbohydrate depleted over extended periods of time. Your liver is exposed to extra stress as it is forced to assist with manufacturing glucose from fats and proteins.

And as you’ve seen in the previous articles and videos, you do not want to overstress your liver.

Main Metabolism Parts This Affects: Liver, Thyroid, Muscle, Body

Learn How The 3-Week Metabolism Diet Can Detox Your Liver

6.) High Inflammatory Fat/Low Anti-Inflammatory Fat

We followed the “expert advice” to lower your fat intake, thinking we’d get healthier, leaner, and slow aging.

Heart disease is still the #1 killer in the USA.

Almost ¾ of Americans are trying to lose weight, but few succeed.

Rates of diabetes, Alzheimer’s, metabolic syndrome, and obesity are on the rise and don’t seem to improving.

It’s time not only for a diet overhaul, but specifically an overhaul of the types of fats we eat.

Certain fats are nature’s weight loss solution to your excess weight problem. Behind this hard to believe truth are some pretty hard to understand scientific truths, but don’t worry I’m going to break down exactly what you need to know about fats.

The types of fat you’ve probably been avoiding are the same fats that can alter your hormonal balance helping you feel more energetic and less hungry while helping you burn more calories.

The fats I share in the 3-Week Metabolism Diet will lower your levels of inflammation, which as you know will offer many health and fat loss benefits.

Fats like coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado.

Main Metabolism Parts This Affects: Liver, Thyroid, Body

7.) Improper Meal Balance

Learning how to properly balance your main macronutrients (carbs, proteins, and fats) can be the difference between your meals being “fat-burning meals” or “fat-storing meals.”

I have a very simple formula for balancing your meals, I’ll share with  you shortly, but first I’d like to briefly go over why improper meal balancing is destroying your metabolism.

Unfortunately, most people are eating ratios that spike insulin, raise cortisol, overload their digestive systems, and slow down their thyroids.

Here are a few examples of fat-storing, improperly balanced meals:

Breakfast: Toast, bagels, cereal, smoothies, juices, and breakfast sandwiches

Lunches: Sandwiches, subs, salads, wraps, burgers/fries, etc…

Dinners: Pasta dishes, potatoes/sweet potates (without a protein), etc…

Snacks: Sweetened coffee drinks, fruit, bars, etc…

The scariest and most troublesome thing about this metabolism killer is that many people would argue the meals listed above are “healthy.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Macronutrient ratios can get pretty complicated. And complicated formulas can lead to “paralysis by analysis,” which leads to no action, which always leads to no weight loss results.

I like to simply everything in life, business, and eating, which is why my formula for the “ideal meal” is 33% of your 3 macronutrients.

33% fat, 33% carbs, 33% protein

fwfl_rule of thirds

I’ll let you deal with the other 1%. 🙂

Balancing your meals is a very important concept in healthy eating that is often ignored, since it’s hard enough eating healthy.

But if you can eat healthy AND balance your ratios at least 80% of the time, you’re going to propel your weight loss results.

You’ll be regulating your hormones, balancing your blood sugar/insulin levels, and boosting your metabolism so it’s working for you all day long.

Main Metabolism Parts This Affects: Liver, Thyroid, Muscle, Body

Learn EXACTLY how to BALANCE your meals with this simple formula in The 3-Week Metabolism Diet

8.) Eating Inflammatory Foods

When we decide to start losing weight, “inflammation” is rarely the first thing that pops in our heads.

Our thinking immediately goes to:

  • I need to eat less, watch my calories, start eating low-fat, low-carb, etc…
  • I need to give up cokes, fast food, candy, etc…
  • I need to start exercising, doing cardio, get a gym membership, etc…
  • Diets, fat-burning pills, weight loss supplements, etc…

Unfortunately, 95% of those “things” you THINK you need to do to lose weight, ends up leaving you worse than where you started.

95% of the “healthy” things you start doing to lose fat are killing your metabolism.

Which means you were suffering from inflammation before and these “weight loss tricks” left with you more inflammation and weight gain.

The fastest way to reduce inflammation aside from eating whole, unprocessed foods is avoid the foods that got you into this inflammatory mess in the first place.

The 8 inflammatory foods to avoid include gluten, soy, HFCS, sugar, and unsaturated vegetable oils.

These foods and others contribute to the majority of the inflammation in our society, especially inflammation that leads to stubborn fat.

Main Metabolism Parts This Affects: Liver, Thyroid, Muscle, Body

Each one of these “8 Metabolism Killers” negatively impacts your metabolism in one form or another and they are all related to the 5 most important parts of your metabolism I mentioned earlier.

It’s time for you to “figure it out” with a metabolism-focused approach to fat loss.

Your coach,


P.S. Check out what others are saying about The 3-Week Metabolism Diet

These success stories come in everyday in our private Inner Circle that you’ll have access to one you join The 3-Week Metabolism Diet.

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