Metabolism-Focused Eating Plan That Reverses Hormonal Imbalances – Ideal For Anyone Over 40
As soon as you are born your metabolism is turbocharged. It’s like you have endless energy. Just watch a 3 year old (I have one at home, so trust me I know from experience).
Most toddlers, pre-teens, teenagers, and even 20-somethings can practically eat anything they want without gaining weight.
Their diets consists of…well…CARBS. And more carbs, right?
Maybe that used to be you. You could eat anything you want without gaining a single pound. Then something happened, you started gaining a little weight, so you went on a diet and exercised a little to lose the weight.
Then something happened…again. You gained weight, but your old diet and exercise tricks stopped working. As a matter of fact, they made things WORSE.
Those somethings were caused by HORMONES.
More specifically, hormonal imbalances, shifts, ebbs and flows….whatever you want to call it, your hormones change as you get older.
If you aren’t changing with your hormones, the scale will go up, your clothe sizes will continue to go up, and your frustration levels, will make you feel like a lion trapped in a cage, with a helpless doe just out of reach.
Learn How The 3-Week Metabolism Reverses Hormonal Imbalances
Hormones Vs. Calories
Which matters more, calories or hormones? Not an easy question right?
Calories influence hormones and hormones influence calories. The truth is both matter.
Over 70% of people who use the popular mantra of “eat less, exercise more” end up fatter than they were before they started the diet.
Switching to a metabolism centered approach really is not that hard. It just takes some understanding about how food and exercise affects your hormones, and ultimately your metabolism.
Hunger, cravings, fat loss and energy levels are all dramatically influenced by hormones.
So, when you start coming up with YOUR perfect plan for success, everything must be addressed in one swoop.
What Is A Hormonal Imbalance?
If you have been trying to lose weight by “eating healthy” and exercising your hormones are likely to blame. Being able to recognize and treat hormonal imbalances is vital to your weight loss success.
An increasing number of women over the age of 30 from around the world have been experiencing the fat storing effects of hormone imbalance. What researchers found most interesting was that the hormone related fat deposits could not be eliminated by a calorie-restrictive diet and exercise alone.
Subjects were placed on a hypo caloric (low calorie) diet and exercised 3 times per week.
After 8 weeks, more than 50% of subjects were still unable to eliminate their excess fat. Researchers discovered that in each case where weight loss was unsuccessful, hormone imbalance was to blame.
Good news. Bad news.
Bad News: Low-calorie diets and aerobic exercise WORSEN hormonal imbalances and fat storage.
Good News: Not only have we identified the four hormonal imbalances that prevent your body from losing fat, but we know exactly how to ELIMINATE hormonal imbalances and ACTIVATE fat-burning hormones instead.
It’s now proven, certain foods can actually DEACTIVATE your fat-storing hormones and ACTIVATE your fat-burning hormones.
READ ALSO: 8 Common Hormonal Imbalances Causing You to Gain Weight
What Types Of Hormonal Imbalances Cause Weight Gain?
I’ve identified 8 common hormonal imbalances in my holistic nutritionist practice:
1.) Blood Sugar Instability
Several things can cause insulin excess: excessive consumption of carbohydrates, excessive consumption of PUFAs, insufficient protein intake, excess stress, inadequate high quality fat intake, and excessive consumption of packaged foods.
The 3-Week Metabolism Reverses Insulin Resistance To Balance Your Blood Sugar
2.) Low Thyroid Function
Literally every part of your body is affected by a sluggish thyroid AKA Hypothyroidism. And since the thyroid regulates the burning of energy (calories) your weight will go up as your thyroid (i.e. metabolic rate) goes down.
Maybe you aren’t “lazy” after all?
3.) Malnutrition
It works like this, the more processed food you eat, the more vitamins you need. That’s because vitamins and minerals lubricate the wheels of our metabolism, helping the chemical reactions in our bodies run properly.
Among those biochemical processes greased by nutrients is the regulation of sugar and burning of fat. The problem is that the standard American diet (SAD) is energy dense (too many calories) but nutrient poor (not enough vitamins and minerals). Too many “empty calories” confuse the metabolism and pack on the pounds.
The best way to combat malnutrition is to eat a high-quality diet with organic proteins, anti-inflammatory fats, and easily digestible carbs. I show you exactly how to get the nutrition to reverse hormonal related weight gain inside The 3-Week Metabolism Diet
4.) Estrogen Dominance
Excess estrogen and low progesterone is a MAJOR cause of weight gain for women. What often throws the balance off is an excess of estrogen, caused by environmental, dietary, and lifestyle factors.
When looking at Estrogen Dominance it appears that the issue lies in the overall ratio of estrogen to progesterone — and this ratio is an individualized one.
One cause of estrogen dominance is overloading the liver. The liver is a filter of sorts. It detoxifies our body, protecting us from the harmful effects of chemicals, elements in food, environmental toxins and even natural products of our metabolism, including excess estrogen.
5.) Menopausal Weight Gain
What causes weight gain at and after menopause? Why is it SO much harder to lose weight after menopause?
The first step towards understanding the correlation between food, weight gain, and menopause is that you are much more susceptible to the negative consequences of hormonal imbalances than you EVER were before.
What this means is your concept of “moderation” or “just one more drink” or “only one more donut” has changed and if you don’t alter your behaviors and make difference choices, you will NEVER lose weight.
- Leptin (the ‘fat hormone’) plays an important role in body weight management, as it contributes to appetite control and metabolic rate. Studies show that leptin levels drop after a crash diet, which increases the appetite and slows metabolism.
- Menopause is associated with (not to be confused with “causes”) a decrease in insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity is your body’s ability to use carbs for fuel, instead of storing them as fat. So reduced insulin sensitivity means that you’re more likely to stash those carbs on your hips. It’s not clear whether this is caused by aging (it also happens to men as they get older) or by menopause per se or by some combination of both, but in any case, it definitely happens.
Women over 40 are seeing amazing results inside The 3-Week Metabolism Diet, like Crystal a 44-year old Texas woman who lost 19 pounds and 11 inches after just 21 days, see more success stories HERE
6.) Low Growth Hormone
HGH improves your fat metabolism, so when its levels drop, your weight must rise. You make this “fountain of youth” hormone during the deepest stage of sleep. So its not enough to get sleep, you have to get deep sleep, which requires a long, uninterrupted night.
It’s been shown growth hormone accelerates fat-burning (lipolysis).
7.) Cortisol Dysregulation
Cortisol is the “master” stress hormone and healthy cortisol function allows our bodies to respond to various stressors. Chronically elevated cortisol interferes with the function of other essential hormones, and can result in:
* Insulin Resistance
* Estrogen Dominance
* Hypothyroidism
Not surprisingly, three hormonal imbalances that keep you from burning fat and losing weight.
While cortisol is a vital hormone of the body, optimal levels are required to achieve healthy weight loss.
8.) General Inflammation
I added this one last, because “inflammation” is technically a broad term that covers ALL hormonal imbalances. It is because of INFLAMMATION that imbalances, intolerance, and diseases occur.
Inflammation is by far the number one cause of not only weight gain, but decreasing your ability to lose weight, or what I call your fat-loss potential.
Inflammation causes chemical changes and imbalances that affect your ability to respond to stress, normalize your appetite, eliminate cravings, and increase your energy.
Your first sign of inflammation usually originates in your stomach and intestines, since this is your first level of “defense” from the poor quality foods you put in your body.
The Meal Plan That Combats A Metabolic Related Weight Gain
You can get the 3-week meal plan to reverse ALL 8 common hormone imbalances here.
The first step in resetting your metabolism is getting rid of the inflammation and cleaning your metabolic slate. The healthy fats, high-quality proteins, and strategic carbs will help cleanse your liver, calm your digestive system, and let your thyroid jump into action.
Your goal is to eliminate the most common inflammatory foods so that your body can digest, assimilate, and use the nutrients and minerals its been craving.
You’ll also introduce real foods that promote fat loss and that boost your metabolic rate.
Phase 1 Sample Meal Plan
Breakfast: The Metabolic Smoothie
Snack: 1 Hard-Boiled Egg
Lunch: Super Salmon Salad
Snack: 1 Apple
Dinner: Ground Chicken Lettuce Wraps
Next we’ll balance your macro-nutrients and avoid the pitfalls of eating the wrong carbs.
After you have successful identified and eliminated the major inflammatory foods, you can start working on properly balancing your meals. Balancing your macronutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) is the most important part of your meals.
In order to release the stored and stubborn fat from your body you need to optimize certain hormones, like insulin and leptin and the best way to do that is to choose the right carbs.
In phase you’ll introduce “carb-cycling”, a method of eating carbohydrates that enhances your ability to control insulin levels.
During this phase you’ll also start the process of building lean metabolically active tissue, also known as muscle.
Phase 2 Sample Meal Plan
Breakfast: Metabolic Omelet
Snack: 1 Apple/10-12 Almonds
Lunch: Salmon Cakes
Snack: 1 Apple/10-12 Almonds
Dinner: Chicken, Avocado, and Blueberry Salad
Finally, you’ll eat in a sustainable and enjoyable way, so you don’t have to count calories or obsess over food anymore.
During phase 1 you started reducing inflammation, in phase 2 you started getting rid of stored fat, and now in phase 3 you bring it all together to lose a significant amount of weight.
Of course, it’s not very realistic to say you’ll lose ALL of your weight in just 21 days, but if you can commit to making these significant changes in 21 days you’ll set yourself up for a effortless weight loss beyond 21 days.
During phase 3 and beyond you’ll eat high-quality organic proteins, anti-inflammatory fats, and easily digestible carbohydrates. You’ll train your body to burn your stored fat as fuel, while using the right carbs for energy to skyrocket your metabolic rate.
Phase 3 Sample Meal Plan
Breakfast: 2 Ultimate Breakfast Muffins
Snack: 10-12 Cashews
Lunch: Salmon Wraps
Snack: Almond Butter and Celery
Dinner: Metabolic Stir-Fry
Get Access To the 3 Phase Meal Plans By Watching The FREE Fat Loss Presentation By Clicking The Image Below:
Signs Your Metabolism Needs a Makeover
If you’re currently struggling to lose weight, especially fat around your middle, that’s one HUGE sign your metabolism is slow and sluggish. You can talk to your Dr. and have some blood tests done, but they aren’t the best at helping you determine what you should eat to lose weight.
You know somethings “off” and your intuition is good enough evidence that you need to start a metabolism-focused diet plan.
Here are a few other signs your metabolism needs fixing, you’re:
- Unmotivated to lose weight because of lack of progress
- Unable to manage stress, emotions, mood, etc…
- Gaining weight even when eating very few calories
- Uncontrollable/unexplainable cravings during the day and late at night
- Unmotivated to lose weight because of lack of progress
- Cellulite, dry skin, and other skin issues
- You’re at least 10 pounds overweight
If that sounds like you then join thousands of other women inside The 3-Week Metabolic Fat Loss Challenge.
Crystal, Jennifer, and Debra each suffering from hormonal related weight gain lost 15-19 lbs each in just 21 days following a metabolism-focused eating plan.
Read the success stories and see for yourself here.
Have questions about the program or about what it takes to eat for a fat-burning metabolism? Comment below!