
How To Heal Asthma Naturally

Asthma is a lung disease that causes of obstruction of the airways. it is an overreaction of the body’s own immune system usually caused by exposure to an allergen, a substance that the body perceives as foreign and dangerous.

During an asthma attack, spasms in the muscles surrounding the bronchi (small airways in the lungs) constrict, impending the outward passage of air. Asthma suffers often describe this plight as “Starving for air”. Typical symptoms of an asthma attack are coughing, wheezing, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and difficulty breathing. An attack can last for a few minutes or several hours.

The spasms characterizing and acute attack are not the cause of the disorder, but a result of chronic inflammation and hypersensitivity of the airways to certain stimuli. And attack can be triggered if a susceptible individual is exposed to an allergen, but irritants, infection, stress, exercise, use of Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, or other NSAIDS- or even rapid changes in weather and humidity- can trigger an attack.

There are two forms of asthma: allergic and non allergic, although the two often occurs together. Common asthma- provoking allergens include animal dander, cockroach allergens, pollens, pet dander, chemicals, drugs, dust mites, environmental pollutants, feathers, food additives (such as monosodium glutamate sulfites such as sodium metabisulfite) seafood, dairy products, nuts, yeast- based foods, fumes, mold, and tobacco smoke. But any kind of allergen and can precipitate as asthma attack. Factors that can trigger nonallergic asthma attack include adrenal disorder, anxiety, temperature changes, exercise, extremes of dryness or humidity, fear, laughing, low blood sugar and stress. A respiratory infection such as bronchitis can also provoke an attack. Whatever the particular instigator, the bronchial tubes swell and become plugged with mucus. This inflammation further irritates the airways, resulting in even greater sensitivity. The attack become more frequent and the inflammation more severe.

Asthma can be difficult to diagnose conclusively. Its symptoms may resemble those of other diseases, such as emphysema, bronchitis and lower respiratory infections. To distinguish asthma from other conditions a physician may recommended blood test, chest X-rays, and spirometry ( a procedure that measure air breathed into and out of the lungs) if not treated properly bronchial asthma can lead to pulmonary emphysema. However the prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment, serious danger from asthma should be preventable.

Cardiac asthma is a condition that causes the same symptoms as other types of asthma, but is caused by heart failure. Intrinsic asthma, a less common form of the disease, which generally appears during adulthood, is often associated with other respiratory diseases such as bronchitis or sinusitis, and tends to appear during upper respiratory viral infection. People who suffer from intrinsic asthma are usually vulnerable to changes in weather, exercise, emotional status, and other factors related to inner feeling.

A hereditary link to asthma was discovered in late 1999 by two Berkeley, California, researchers who spliced human genes into mice and determined that asthmatic activity could be dismissed by slowing the activity of two particular genes. The value of the research, they said, search centered on the fact that scientists now have an opportunity to develop a medicine to prevent asthma, rather than merely treat its symptoms.

 This genetic based research milestone in asthma prevention arrived at an important juncture. Medical scientists are growing increasingly alarmed over what they considered to be an epidemic rise in the number of new asthma cases each year. Asthma now affects more than 20 million people according to the National Institutes of health. Children underage sixteen, particularly those living in urban areas, and adults over the age of sixty-five are more likely to suffer from asthma. Almost half of sufferers get asthma before age ten. It is the number one cause of hospitalization for children, and the number one cause of absenteeism.  The incidence of asthma has short top 75 persecent since 1980 and, unfortunately, the rate among children has increased 160 percent. The cause of asthma’s continued rise over the years has researches scratching their heads and looking at a wide spectrum of possible causes, including pollution, global warming, food additives, genetics, toxins, and allergens. Recently it has been discovered that  increase in the number of asthma sufferers in the American southwest, the Caribbean, and Central Americans regions seems to have been brought on by  drought- caused  sub- Saharan dust and mold Spores being swept across the Atlantic by prevailing winds- winds that have recently changed due to the effect of global warming. Asthma Specialist speculates that rising level of environmental pollution also lead to higher incidences of asthma. Asthma epidemics related to atmospheric contamination- situations in which dust and chemical particles are abundant, especially in enclosed environments- are well known. Occupational exposure to certain substances, such as urethane  and  polyurethane, used in the adhesives and plastic industry, along with rubber epoxy resins from paint, textile cleaners fumes, dry cleaning chemicals, and others also maybe major risk factors,

 The dosages recommended here are for adults. For children between the age of twelve and seventeen, reduce the dose three- quarters the recommended amount. For children between the ages of six and twelve years old, reduce the dose to  one-half the recommended amount .For children under 6 year old use one third the recommended amount.

Nutrients To Heal Asthma Naturally

Flaxseed oil 1,000 mg twice daily, before meals. A source of essential fatty acids needed for production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.
Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) 50mg 3 times daily The antistress vitamin.
Quercitin-C from Ecological Formulas plus bromelain 500 mg 3 times daily.


100 mg 3 times daily.

Powerful immunostimulants.

Quercetin-C has an antihistaminic effect. Stabilizes cells to stop inflammation.

Take these supplement together for best results.

Vitamin C with bioflavonoids 1,500 mg 3 times daily.

Caution: If you have a history of kidney stones or hemochromatosis, do do not take vitamin C at this dosage level.

Needed to protect lung tissue and keep down infection. Also increase air flow and fights inflammation.
Zinc lozenges Do not take over 100 mg daily Can shorten an attack or halt one before it becomes severe.
Very Important
Betaine hydrochloride with pepsin As directed on label, or as prescribed by physician. Combats malabsorption problems leading to “leaky gut syndrome.”
Coenzyme Q10 100 mg daily. Has the ability to counter histamine.
Magnesium plus calcium 750 mg daily. May stop the acute asthmatic episode by increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.

Has a dilating effect on the bronchial muscles. Use chelate or asporotate forms.

Multivitamin and mineral complex with





Vitamin B12

As directed on label


200 mcg daily. If you are pregnant, do not exceed 40 mcg daily.

2000 mcg daily

Necessary for enhanced immune function. Use a high-potency formula.

A powerful destroyer of free radicals created from air pollutants.

Bee pollen Start with few granules at a time and slowly work up to 2 tsp daily. Strengthens the immune system. Use raw crude pollen, preferably produced within 10 miles of your home.

Caution: Bee pollen may cause an allergic reaction in some individuals. Discontinue use if a rash, wheezing, discomfort, or other symptom occurs.

Coenzyme A from Coenzyme-A technologies As directed on label. Promotes detoxification of dangerous substances from the immune system.
Dimethylglycine (DMG) (Aangamik DMG from FoodScience of Vermont) As directed on label twice daily Improves oxygenation in lung tissue.
Glucosamine sulfate



(N-A-G from Source Naturals)

As directed on label.


As directed on label.

Important for regulation of mucous secretions of the respiratory tracts.
Kelp 2,000-3,000 mg daily for 21 days, then reduce to 1,000-1,500 mg daily. For minerals in balanced amounts.
L-Cysteine 50 0 mg twice daily, on an empty stomach. Take with water or juice. Do not take with milk. Take with 50 mg vitamin B6 and 100 mg vitamin C for better absorption. Repairs lung tissue and reduces inflammation.(See AMINO ACIDS in Part One.)
Pycnogenol   Or

Grape seed extract

As directed on label.


As directed on label.

Powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.
S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) As directed on label. Reduces stress and eases depression. Promotes a sense of well-being.

Caution: do not use if you have manic-depressive disorder or take prescription antidepressants.

Urban Air Defense from Source Naturals As directed on label. Contains many of the necessary nutrients listed in this table, including vitamin A, C, and E, plus herbs and minerals.
Vitamin D 600 IU daily. Needed for repair of tissues.

Herbs To Heal Asthma Naturally

  • Asthma- X5 from Olympian Labs is an herbal combination formula containing coleus forskohlii, feverfew, ginger, green tea, licorice root, lobelia, Mormon tea, schisandra berries and skullcap. The recommended dose is 500 to 1000 milligram, three times daily. For best results used for about eight weeks.
  • Clear lungs from RidgeCrest Herbals is a Chinese herbal formula designed to reduce inflammation and mucus, opening up the airways to the lungs and promoting free breathing. Take two capsules twice daily.
  • Lobelia extract is helpful during an asthma attack; it is a bronchial soothing muscle relaxant and expectorant.

Caution: do not take Lobelia internally on an ongoing basis.

  • Boswellia, and Indian herb (also known as frankincense) in studies was shown to reduce asthma symptoms and reduce the number of attacks.
  • Mullein oil is said to be a powerful remedy for bronchial congestion. The oil stops cough, unclogs bronchial tubes and help clear up asthma attacks. User says that when they take it in tea or fruit juice, effect is almost immediate.
  • Pau d’ arco act as a natural antibiotic and reduces inflammation. Drink 3 cup of Pau d’ arco daily.
  • Proponents of the Eastern Indian mind-body-earth philosophy called Ayurveda recommended the following her for people with asthma: vasaka (Adhatoda vascia) relives cough, bronchitis, and other asthmatic symptoms; boswellia (Boswellia serrata), to relieve pain and inflammation: and tylophora ( Tylophora indica) for respiratory relief. Sabinsa Corporation is a good source of these Ayurvedic Herbs.
  • Other herbs beneficial for asthma include Echinacea, licorice root, and slippery elm bark tablets. Licorice root, ginger root, and elderberry open the respiratory tract.

Cautions: Do not take Echinacea if you have an autoimmune disorder. Do not use licorice on a daily basis for more than seven days in a row and avoid it completely if you have high blood pressure.

Other Recommendations To Naturally Heal Asthma

  • Homeopathic uses of belladonna have been shown to relax the bronchioles in the lungs, which elevates the wheezing symptoms in the asthma attack.
  • Black cumin seed oil (Nigella sativa) has been primary treatment of allergies in the Middle East. The best seeds come from Egypt. These seeds contain more than one hundred different chemicals, including essential fatty acids. These seeds can be used to make tea by simply pouring a cup of hot water over about one tablespoon full of the seeds and letting the mixture steep for about ten minutes, then straining. Keep the tea covered until you are ready to drink it so as not to lose the Aroma. Capsules are also available that contain the cold pressed oil.

Caution: do not use this product if you are pregnant. Skin exposure to and undiluted oil can cause irritations insensitive individuals.

  • Eat a diet consisting primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, oatmeal, brown rice, whole grains. the diet should be relatively high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and contain no sugar( See HYPOGLYCEMIA in Part Two for suggestions)
  • Include garlic and onion in your diet, this food contains quercetin and mustard oils in which has been shown to inhibit. An enzyme that aids in releasing inflammatory chemicals.
  • Include” green drinks” in your program. kyo- green from Wakunaga  is excellent. Take it three times a day, one- half hour before meals.
  • Avoid gas producing foods; such as beans, brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage) and large amount of bran, take an enzyme Complex such as be sure from wakunaga of America. Gas can irritate an asthmatic condition by putting pressure on the diaphragm.
  • Do not eat ice cream or drink extremely cold liquids cold can shock the bronchial tubes into spasms.
  • Use a juice fast, a fast using distilled water and lemon juice. or a combination of both for three days each month To help rid of the body of  and( See fasting in part three)
  • Eat lightly- a large meal can cause shortness of breath I making the stomach put pressure on the diaphragm.
  • Use and elimination diet to see if certain food aggravate the asthmatic conditions, Common culprits include alfalfa, corn, peanuts, soy, eggs, beets, carrots, cola, cold beverages (which may cause bronchial spasm) Dairy products (including milk and ice cream), fish, red meat (especially pork), processed food, salt, spinach, chicken, and Turkey, white flour, and white sugar.
  • We all need exercise to become and remain healthy. If you to find exercise can induce an asthma attack, try taking 2000 milligram of Vitamin C one hour before your workout. Recent studies showed that those who took Vitamin C prior to their workouts suffered no coughing wheezing for shortness of breath. However, people at risk for kidney stone for hemochromatosis (an iron- absorption disorder) should not take Vitamin C at this dose level.
  • If exercise produces an asthmatic response, check your salt intake. According to one report people with asthma who eat high sodium diets (4000 milligrams daily)  have difficulty breathing while exercising and immediately afterward then those who have Habitually consume far less, Sodium( 1500 milligrams daily). Ask your doctor what sodium level is right for you.
  • If you use Aspirin or any other non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS ),do so with caution. Painkiller aspirin, ibuprofen (  Advil, Nuprin, and others), naproxen (Naprosyn and Aleve), and piroxicam (Feldene) account for over two thirds of drug related asthmatic  reactions, with aspirin causing over half of these. Experts don’t know by one can take these medicines and others cannot. Studies have shown that around 20% of adults are prone to drug induced attack. Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics also can induce asthma reactions.
  • Keep an ongoing list of thing that trigger your asthmatic response and then avoid them as best as you can. Also, try keeping a diary of your symptoms, medications, and so on. It can be very helpful to you and your doctor in creating and maintaining your best asthma Management program.
  • Apply castor oil packs to the back and around the lungs and kidney areas. To make a castor oil pack, place castor in a pan and heat but do not boil it. Dip a piece of cheese cloth or other white cotton material into the soil until the cloth is saturated. Apply the cloth to the affected area and cover it with a piece of plastic that is larger in size than the cotton cloth. place a Heating pad over the plastic and use it to keep the pack warm,  keep the pack in place for one half to two hours as needed
  • Practice method to relieve stress. Stress and strong emotions like worry and fear can trigger an asthma attack.
  • Avoid furry animals, the food additives BHA and BHT, FD & C Yellow No-5 food dye. Tobacco and other types of smoke and the amino acid tryptophan.
  • If you suspect that dust mites are causing asthma symptoms, try to get rid of the microscopic bugs. There are Vacuum Cleaners on the market that destroy these mites. An application of Benzyl benzoate powder (such as X-MITE from AllerGuard) will eliminate mites for two to three months. One pound of this powder treats approximately 150 square feet of carpeting or fabric. If local pharmacies don’t carry the powder, You can and order it from AllerGurd Corporation.
  • Consider removing carpeting, at least in the bedroom, to help keep dust mites, germs, and bacteria from aggravating asthma. Covering mattresses in plastic casings hand washing sheets in hot water at least once a week can be helpful, too.

Considerations For Healing Asthma Naturally

  • Until relatively recently, even with a good nutritional plan, the only way to avoid and allergic attack was to avoid the irritant that caused it. Today, treatments for asthma include the use of anti inflammatory and bronchodilating medications. The anti-inflammatories can halt side inflammation quickly, but only temporally, and there are side effects to using these drugs over long periods. Most medications stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and can produce anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia and dry or cotton mouth. Additionally, this can cause blood pressure to rise and, over the long-term can contribute to kidney and liver damage.
  • A new treatment has been approved that the first completely from current asthma medication Instead of treating the symptoms, the new medication goes to the source of the problem- the allergic reaction itself. Omalizumab (Xolair) is a drug that is designed to bind to the circulating antibodies in the blood, which decrease the amount of antibodies that are available to bind to mast cell. This ultimately in habits the mast cell’s release of the chemical that cause the inflammatory response of asthma. Thus, the first preventative medication is available for those adults and adolescents ( aged twelve and up) with moderate to severe persistent Asthma, especially those who symptoms have not been adequately controlled by the use of inhaled corticosteroids. This is not a replacement for existing corticosteroids treatment and any such replacement must be done under a physician’s control. However, it is surely a step in the right direction.
  • Life-threatening case of asthma diagnosed as status asthmaticus require immediate hospitalization, and sufferers I have to remain hospitalized for days.
  • People with asthma maybe deficient in certain nutrients, such as Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, and Selenium, as well as in the enzyme glutathione peroxidase. People with customer after have lower than normal levels of gastric hydrochloric acid, which is needed for proper digestion, Dr Jonathan Wright. a noted nutritionist, claims excellent result using a combination of gastric acid replacement therapy  ( usually in the form of betaine hydrochloride) and supplementation with vitamin B6 Vitamin B12,And magnesium for treatment of asthma
  • According to nutrition health reviews strong feeling of anger, anxiety and depression may be an important cause of asthma attacks, unfortunately, many of the drugs used to control and alleviate asthma cause jittery nerves, mood swing, and insomnia.
  • Many people with asthma are sensitive to the food additives known as sulfites. Many restaurants are sulfiting agents-  including sodium bisulfite, and Sulfur dioxide- to prevent this discoloration and bacterial growth in green salads, cut and sliced fruit, frozen shellfish, and other foods.( see sulfite allergies on page 182 for additional information,)
  • Beta blocking medications used to treat high blood pressure can constrict the bronchial muscles and cause life -threatening problems for a person with asthma.
  • Ozone, Sulfur dioxide, Nitrogen dioxide cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide hydrocarbons, Nitrogen oxide and photochemical substance are air pollutants that can trigger asthma attacks.
  • Inhaling a muscle relaxing medication such as albuterol (Proventil, Ventolin) From bronchodilator can relieve and acute asthma attack immediately by opening the bronchial tubes. Bronchodilators do not treat the underlying problem. A newer version is now available.
  • The FDA has approved new version of the abluterol sulfate HFA( ventolin) metered  dose inhalers (MDI) for the customer and other of obstructive lung disease. Unlike the older version of ventolin, the new in use an alternative   propellant called hydrofluoroalkane (HFA)  rather than the traditional ozone-  reducing chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used previously. There are now two albuterol HFA inhalers approved for use in the United States. The first Proventil HFA was approved in 1996.
  • Researchers at Cornell University Stadium children aged four through sixteen years who were part of the third National Health and nutrition survey. it was found that the antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C were associated with a very significant  reduction in asthma prevalence. An increase in Selenium intake also was associated with a similar decrease in asthma prevalence. in this study, it was found that Vitamin E had little or no Association with
  • A new corticosteroid has been approved for young children with asthma. Budesonide inhalation suspension (Pulmicourt Respules), a synthetic hormone, is designed for use once or twice daily to prevent asthma attacks, but is not used to treat acute attacks. Acute attacks are still best handled buy a fast- acting bronchodilator. The drug generally well-tolerated, but Side Effects can include respiratory infections, coughing, and congestion.

Caution: Inhaled corticosteroids can have an effect on growth in children, and the effect on eventually adult height is not known.

  • A sustained- release form of the drug theophylline, sold under the brand name Theo- Dur Sprinkle, has been used with good results. For children, this medication can be administered by opening a capsule and sprinkling the contents on a soft food such an applesauce.  Theophylline has side effects, such as producing a rapid Heartbeat and/ or in somnia in some users. Some doctors believe that inhaled drugs or tropical treatments are safer then asthma pills because they are drawn directly into the bronchial tubes and lungs.
  • Researchers at Harvard University and the US environmental protection agency (EPA)  have discovered that people with asthma who drink coffee and other caffeine Containing drinks generally have one third fever symptoms than those who do not. The most likely due to the action of caffeine, which has a dilating effects on the bronchial Airways.
  • A Study reported in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical immunology suggested that taking salmon oil capsules before each meal and eating fish three times weekly may be beneficial for asthma.
  • The air supply personal air purifier from wein products is a  miniature until that is worn around the neck. it sets up an  invisible pure shield against microorganism( such as viruses bacteria, and mold)  and micro particles ( including dust, pollen, and pollutants) in the air. It also eliminates vapors, smells, and harmful volatile compounds in the air.
  • Regular exercise is beneficial, but exercise cans also Trigger and acute attack in some individuals. No one is sure why this is, but it has been speculated that inhaling lot of cool drive error while working out aggravates the respiratory system. Running for example induces many more asthma attacks then swimming. One way to control exercise – induced asthma is to wear a mask that retains heat and moisture and limits the effect of breathing cold, dry air.
  • Zanamivir ( Relenza), a relatively new antiviral drug Used for the treatment of Influenza, can have a detrimental  side effects on asthma sufferers. The US food and drug administration notes that it should be used with caution by anyone with asthma  or chronic lung disease, and if a person with asthma  does take this drug, he or she should have emergency e bronchodilator  therapy readily available interestingly, all the FDA  branded clearance for the drugs to be marketed,  an FDA  advisory  panel voted against approval, nothing that is considered the drugs overall effectiveness as negligible.
  • Study conducted by North Dakota State University found that people with asthma and arthritis markedly improve their health simply by sitting aside time-from 20 minutes a day to three days a week- To write of the 70 patients participating in the one month study 47% showed definite improvement, as opposed to only 24% who showed improvement without writing. The researchers conclude that putting your thoughts and observations on the paper relieves stress and eases the mind.
  • Children with asthma experience much more successful treatment through mind and body control training, according to numerous recent studies. Asthma Specialist Richard Firshein, D.O Based in New York city, uses a technique in which children are taught not to panic when they realize asthma attack is approaching. He calmly guides their thoughts processes to focus on images and smells that please them; he helped them bring their breathing under control. This helps them feel less helpless and afraid. Adults you can benefit from this calming technique.
  • Goose feathers can cause and aggravate lung alignment.
  • The NIOX nitric oxide test system can measure how well anti inflammatory drugs maybe working the testes administered by the doctors.

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