
Become a Fat-Burning Machine by Following These 7 Simple Tips

Thousands of different diets on the Internet can not only give you a headache from all the conflicting information, even if you do decide on trying one, it will give you short-term results. Some can even make you fatter than you were. They aren’t the best choice because they don’t provide the necessary nutrients and don’t provide enough calories for the proper functioning of your body.

There’s a way you can slim down faster and get healthier and you can do that by following the guidelines listed below:

1.) Eat A Protein-Rich Breakfast

Protein is the most important nutrient for weight loss.

Protein may give you the extra boost you need to help you lose weight. A study published in the “Journal of Nutrition” in 2003 found that overweight women who consumed a higher protein diet lost more weight than those who followed a high-carbohydrate diet, even when calories were kept the same in both diets.

A high protein intake boosts metabolism, reduces appetite and changes several weight-regulating hormones, like leptin and ghrelin.

Eating plenty of protein can help prevent muscle loss when you lose weight. It can also help keep your metabolic rate high, especially when combined with heavy strength training. By permanently increasing your protein intake, you tip the “calories in vs calories out” balance in your favor.

Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast to balance insuln and stimulate growth hormone.

The 3-Week Metabolic Fat Loss Challenge Gives You The Exact Proteins To Eat To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

2.) Do A 20-Minute Metabolic Workout In The Morning (Or Whenever)

Before I get into how metabolic workouts less than 30 minutes a few times per week is the answer to your weight loss struggles, I want to dispel 2 myths about exercise:

Myth 1: All exercise is good exercise. While it is smart to stay active and incorporate some form of exercise into your daily life, it’s important you’re aware of the negative consequences of exercise. Some exercise increases stress hormones, causing muscle damage and a lowered metabolic rate.

Myth 2: Cardio is the best exercise for weight loss. Excess cardio increases cortisol, your main stress hormone. Cortisol is a major problem in today’s stressful lifestyle.

Combine the calorie-burning power of cardio and the lean muscle-building ability of resistance training and you end up with a “metabolic workout.”

All it takes is 20-25 minutes of high-intensity metabolic training to see amazing fat loss results, like the co-creator of The Flat Belly System who lost over 40 pounds. (Click HERE to see her transformation)

3.) Eat Balanced Snacks Throughout The Day

Snacks can make or break your fat-burning metabolism. Snacking can either spike insulin to dangerous levels or maintain a healthy dose of insulin to promote a fast metabolism.

For the perfect balanced snack it is ideal to include healthy fats and/or proteins with your carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and grains).  Before a metabolic workout may be the only time I would suggest just carbohydrates to fuel your activity.

Here’s what your snacks should look like: Carbohydrate + Fat, Carbohydrate + Protein, Carbohydrate + Fat + Protein.

I don’t promote calorie counting but generally I try to keep snacks around 100-200 calories.  Again because I just want a little something to keep me going until my next meal without filling up too much.  You may need more depending on your activity level. Don’t stress about the calorie part too much, healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and nut butters do contain more calories (but from quality sources).

Listen to your body and eat enough to satisfy your hunger without stuffing yourself and overeating.

Learn How The 3-Week Metabolic Fat Loss Challenge Helps You Make Balanced Snacks For Fat Loss

4.) Avoid Sugary and Artificially Sweetened Drinks (Drink This Instead)

Sugar is bad, but sugar in liquid form is even worse. Studies show that liquid sugar calories may be the single most fattening aspect of the modern diet.

For example, one study showed that sugar-sweetened beverages are linked to a 60% increased risk of obesity in children, for each daily serving.

Keep in mind that this applies to juice as well, which contains a similar amount of sugar as a soft drink like coke. Eat whole fruit, but use fruit juice with caution (or avoid it altogether).

Artificially sweeteners aren’t any better. Artificial sweeteners alter your biochemistry and cause hormonal imabalances by disruptin your hunger signals.

It’s better to drink water, coconut water, tea, and even organic coffee.

5.) Cycle Your Carbs

Now that you know you need to eat more protein and balance your snacks it’s time to learn how to eat carbs and still lose weight.

In 2013, a British study confirmed what the fitness elite already knew instinctively, when it was found that this style of diet was superior to a standard, daily calorie-restricted diet for reducing weight and lowering blood levels of insulin (more on this later).

Carbs can actually stimulate fat loss and help you lose weight by skyrocketing your energy levels. Remember, glucose (ie. carbs) is your cell’s primary source of energy. That means carbs help produce energy, which helps boost your metabolism.

The problem with carbs, isn’t because they are carbs, it’s the type of carbs, how the carbs are combined (see 6.), and the frequency of them.

There are only 2 rules you need to remember:

  • Rule 1: On the days that you do your most intense workouts (like lifting weights or bodyweight exercises), eat starchy carbs, gluten-free grains, and fruit along with protein, vegetables, and fats
  • Rule 2: On the days that you’re either off from the gym or are doing some kind of cardio, don’t eat any starchy carbs, but continue to eat protein, vegetables, healthy fats and a limited amount of fruit.

Be careful when you try carb-cycling, many people get carried and think they can eat whatever carbs they want and end up eating inflammatory foods. Whether you’re eating high-carb or low-carb, if you want to become a fat-burning machine, you need to eat high-quality, non-inflammatory carbs.

6.) Balance Your Hormones By Balancing Your Meals

Your hormones are affected by everything you do. What you eat, don’t eat, your exercise choices, your lack of exercise, food quality, and most importantly, your macronutrient ratios or balance.

How you balance your carbs, proteins, and fats affects insulin, growth hormone, leptin, and glycogen…4 of the most important fat loss hormones.

Insulin – Keep insulin stable by incorporating fats and proteins into each meal and snack

Growth Hormone – Boost growth hormone by eating high-quality fats and proteins with your carbs to keep cortisol low

Leptin – Keep proper hunger signals in check by eating plenty of each macronutrient, giving you body the right minerals and nutrients

Glycogen – By keeping insulin low, you optimize glycogen release to choose stored fat as fuel.

The first things I teach my clients inside The 3-Week Metabolism Diet is how to “macro-balance” for maximum fat loss. And the best part is, I teach a simple 33/33/33 formula for eating.

33% of your calories will come from proteins, fats, and carbs. It doesn’t always have to be perfect, which is the beauty of this way of eating. It’s flexibile, sustainable, and enjoyable.

7.) Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

All nutritionists agree you should eat more vegetables to promote a healthy body and metabolism. But many are arguing now, that fruit is making people fat.

FRUIT is not making you fat. Once you are overweight, fruit can become problematic, but that’s only if you are diabetic or struggling with insulin resistance. And even then, it’s probably not the fruit.

Enjoy a wide variety of fruit and vegetable types every day. Aim for five servings daily and choose a mixture of colours to ensure a good mix of nutrients. All fruit and vegetables, including fresh, frozen, canned, dried and pure juices, count towards the five daily servings.

The key to eating fruit for fat loss is to combine fruit with the right amounts of protein and fat.

How To Become A Fat-Burning Machine

Weight loss doesn’t always equal fat loss.

When you lose weight, muscle mass tends to be reduced as well.

However, what you really want to lose is body fat, both subcutaneous fat (under the skin) and visceral fat (around organs).

Losing muscle is a side effect of weight loss that most people don’t want.

Another side effect of losing weight is that the metabolic rate tends to decrease.

You NEVER want to sacrifice your metabolism for losing weight. The goal should ALWAYS be fat loss, which is why it’s important to focus on getting a healthy metabolism.

BONUS Fat-Melting Trick 8.)  Do This One “Weird” Metabolism Trick First Thing In The Morning You Could Lose Up To 10.5 Inches and 12.2 Pounds in 3 Weeks Just Like a 38-Year Old Texas Woman Did…

Just click the image below to watch your free fat loss presentation:

In the presentation above you’ll discover how to use a metabolism-focused diet approach to easily lose not just weight, but FAT.



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