10-Minute Fat-Burning Diet Plan


One of the largest problems we face in the modernized world today is the fact that the modernized world is too large. And, by that, I mean WE are too large.

More than 70% of all American adults over age 20 are overweight or obese.

Here’s an easy, elegant solution: The 10 Minute “Diet”. We put the word “diet” in quotes for a reason: This is not a diet in the traditional sense of the term at all. Nor is it an exercise plan. Rather, The 10 Minute “Diet” focuses on 21 fat-burning ‘tricks’ that we call “The Fat-Burning Switches.” Flip these switches on and you can burn more calories per day than most people burn in over an hour of exercise.

What are the Fat-Burning Switches?

Here’s the simple answer: They are easy habits that target your health at a cellular level – that’s right, a cellular level. Without getting all biochemical on you, we’re trying to make your cells healthier, so that you store less fat and burn more. As you turn on the switches, their health will improve. As your cells’ health improves, your health and metabolism improve—and you burn more body fat. Simple!

If weight loss is easy for you, you are likely already using many of the Fat-Burning Switches without even knowing it. If you’re one of the millions, on the other hand, who have struggled with weight loss despite all your efforts with dieting and exercise, I have good news for you! You’re not at a dead- end. You can get out of this downward spiral. There was hope for us and all the clients we’ve collectively coached. And now, there’s hope for you!

Nathan is a living example of the power of the Fat-Burning Switches. Using the same strategies we’ll teach you, he got out of the fat-induced negative cycle.

“From the time that I was in first grade ‘til, after high school, I was very overweight. It didn’t matter how hard I tried, I just could not get the weight off. Even though I played football, I was in martial arts and many other very physical activities. But then, I started doing many of these ‘Fat-Burning Switches.’ And, even though I didn’t know it at the time, that’s when everything changed for me…”

Nathan lost over 85 pounds and now maintains a lean, muscular body. In fact, most people who know Nathan now hardly believe at one point he was overweight at all.

You, too, can meet your goals.

The hope lies in turning on the Fat-Burning Switches and reprogramming your metabolism.

What do you know about your metabolism? Do you believe that you have a slow metabolism and others have been blessed with a fast one? Have you been told that you’re stuck with what genetics dealt with you? If so, you’ve been misled. Your metabolism has to do with the consumption, breakdown, storage, and/or use of food as energy. There are many factors that makeup one’s metabolism. Beyond your resting metabolic rate (the number of calories your body burns per day based on age, sex, height, weight, and body fat percentage), there are hormones and enzymes that in#uence the storage and breakdown of the nutrients, the cycle of hunger and feeling full, and efficiency of metabolic processes. If you are overweight or obese, there is a good chance that your metabolism is not working right.

What does this mean to you? Simply put, at a cellular level, you may not be healthy enough to effectively lose weight because your unhealthy metabolism is dragging you down. Even if you eat the same amount of calories and exercise the same amount of time as a person who is at a healthy weight, your body may respond very differently. Instead of burning the food you eat, your body may choose to store more as fat. Why? For one thing, the cells of many overweight and obese people are resistant to insulin.

Here’s where it gets technical, but stick with us, as this is the important stuff. Unhealthy, insulin-resistant cells require more insulin to process a given amount of food that’s been converted to blood sugar. And while you may have not ever been told that your cells are insulin resistant, a recent, broad study has concluded that many adults display this condition without realizing it: greater than 30% of overweight adults, and greater than 60% of obese adults.


Here’s how insulin resistance affects your metabolism: It is insulin’s job to get the food that’s been converted to sugar out of the blood where it can do harm, and into the cells where it is stored or used for energy. The more insulin resistant cells are, the more insulin has to be pumped out to do the same job. The more insulin that’s pumped out, the more insulin resistant cells become. The more this cycle goes on and on, the more fat, especially abdominal fat, is stored and the more di$cult it becomes to lose it. And guess what? The more fat you store, the more insulin resistant the cells become.

Breakfast is a critical time for you. In a window of only a few minutes, your body decides what it is going to burn for fuel over the next 4-12 hours. Unfortunately for most people, that decision is made during breakfast.
Breakfast in our modern world is often as high as 80% starch (often refined, insulin-producing starch) along with a lot of sugar. Consuming a breakfast like this can literally shut down fat-burning for up to twelve hours or more as it hijacks your insulin and takes it on a ride into the stratosphere.

Yes, The 10 Minute Diet is not about dieting—but you need to be aware of your enemies. The traditional high starch, high-sugar breakfast is one of those enemies.

Here’s a simple fix: Replace canned or bottled juices with a real apple.

Will that solve the insulin problem if you go on to eat four bowls of Frosted  Flakes? No… but it will help offset the damage done by slowing the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, thereby lowering the level of insulin secreted. Apples (and pears) contain ample amounts of Pectin, a  wonderful little nutrient known for its ability to slow the entrance of sugar into the bloodstream.

For those who want a total solution to the breakfast/insulin problem and who are ready for a lifestyle upgrade, do check out Jon’s book, The Every Other Day Diet. Our breakfast plans are designed to taste great and also allows for some “strategic cheating”… i.e., eating your favorite foods at specific times.

Other hormones affect this process as well. Increased levels of stress increase cortisol. Cortisol increases insulin resistance. Lack of sleep and an unnatural sleeping pattern can affect blood sugars and insulin. Eating at the wrong times of day affects insulin and fat storage. Being sedentary for long stretches of time can cause the enzymes responsible for breaking down and storing fat to be activated. The hormones that affect hunger and feeling full can be affected by excess fat. Speci!c food ingredients can work like addictive substances to cause us to consume more and more without ever having a “full” feeling. So, if you’ve been told to simply eat less and exercise more, you haven’t been given the whole story.

Can you reverse the damage that’s been done to your cells? Absolutely! This is the exact purpose of the Fat- Burning Switches:

Make cells healthier – Make metabolism healthier – Burn more fat/store less fat

When you put the Fat-Burning Switches into place, your cells will be  “primed” to lose fat. As you eat on any healthy eating plan and engage in any activity, you’ll be more able to burn fat than you were before! There are few programs that address this underlying principle, and with The 10 Minute Diet, we’ve got it covered! It’s based on the foundational concept of improving cellular and metabolic health by improving the insulin cycle, cortisol levels, and lifestyle habits that sabotage most busy adults. It’s built with #exibility, freedom, and real-life schedules in mind. What’s more, we’ll support you every step of the way with 10 Minute Diet Coaching. You’ll get recipes, nutrition tips, encouragement, accountability, definitions, a cheat sheet, and much more!

Are you ready to get started? If so, let’s begin to change your cells, reprogram your metabolism, and Flip Your Fat-Burning Switches!

For anyone who wants to get technical, just how did we come up with our caloric numbers and metabolic boosts?

Calories Burned

Although not necessary, we believed that it was important to give you research-supported-numbers for as many Fat-Burning Switches as possible. We knew it would help to get you excited about healthy habits, and
to get started. The research is awesome, so we thought we’d highlight it. Whenever quantifying Fat-Burning Switches, we sought placebo-controlled, human, double-blind studies that showed statistically significant results between the switch and a direct or indirect effect on metabolism.

Since metabolism is a vast subject, involving calorie burn, calories consumed, hormonal cycles, enzymes, and digestion, we used results that affected many components of it. The studies showed:
A direct change in Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) or Thermal Effect of Food (TEF).
An indirect result such as weight loss, differences in calories consumed, and/or saved calories expended through physical activity, and physiological cellular changes such as improvements in insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity, and cortisol levels.
It was easy to follow the direct changes in RMR and TEF.
Indirect changes took a little more work:
When we used weight loss or fat loss (pounds or kilograms over time), we estimated the calories needed to produce the change over the time span used (utilizing the generally accepted 3500 calories per pound), and then calculated the calories per day.
For some Fat-Burning Switches, there were physical activity calories. These were stated as calories burned. When we used a change in calories consumed, such as fewer calories eaten after a healthy breakfast, we equated these saved calories as burned calories since they were likely the result of a metabolic improvement (being more satiated as a result of leptin, for example).
And yet in others, we could only state a physiological improvement, such as decreased cortisol levels. While these Fat-Burnings Switches are every bit as important as quantified ones, there simply wasn’t a way to correlate them directly with calorie burn or weight loss.


Once all results were established as calories per day, we compared them to an estimated “Average American RMR (AARMR).” We calculated the AARMR based on the following census and Centers of Disease Control (CDC)

  • Average Male Weight, Height, Body Fat %: 195 lbs, 69 inches, 26%, respectively.
  • Average Female Weight, Height, Body Fat %: 165 lbs, 64 inches, 38%, respectively.
  • Average American Age: 37

Based on the above variables and averaged between the 2 sexes AARMR = 1745 calories/day.

Once we calculated the metabolic improvement in terms of calories burned, we compared it to the AARMR to calculate a percentage. For example, 175 extra calories burned per day equaled a 10% increase in the AARMR.
By extrapolating these numbers, we were able to quantify the Fat-Burning Switches and compare one to another inconsistent term.
As health, medical, and scienti!c professionals, we were careful to cite the increase or change in calories/ weight, not the total. For example, many of the studies required all participants to be on a calorie-de!cit diet.

In these cases, both the study group and the control group lost weight.  However, if we cited it, the researchers were able to show a statistically significant relationship between the Fat-Burning Switch variable and extra weight loss in the study group. Furthermore, in order to be responsibly prudent throughout this process, we’ve cited average results and not claimed the higher end of any range.


There is an “overlap” between some of the variables. For example, research has correlated weight loss to consistently eating breakfast through reduced calories consumed and increased calorie expenditure. It has also shown similar results for eating a calorie-controlled egg breakfast (2 distinctly different Fat-Burning Switches with commonalities). If you consistently eat an egg breakfast, you will likely get more metabolic benefits by doing both than by only doing one, but possibly not the full cumulative effect of both switches. Or maybe you will.

Unfortunately, we do not have research to show what sort of combination or cumulative effects you may get with using multiple Fat-Burning Switches. This research simply hasn’t been done.

While we believe you’ll get the best results by using all of them, we cannot state that you will burn the full amount of calories added together. Your body isn’t going to allow you to waste it away in any extreme, unhealthy level of calorie burn.

However, as you put the Fat-Burning Switches together, you will improve your metabolic health through all sorts of avenues. And, you’ll combine many proven strategies to increase calorie burn, decrease unwanted calorie consumption, and improve metabolic cycles. We certainly recommend that you provide proof that all 21 of them produce the best results!

Lastly, each of these studies was likely done on individuals that were not you. Nutrition, metabolism, and health are not black and white, and different Fat-Burning Switches will affect different individuals differently
within the context of their own health and lifestyle. While we can stand on the research to point us to healthy Fat-Burning strategies, and help you put them into practice in real life, we cannot promise that you will burn the exact amount of calories for any Fat-Burning Switch. But,


1.FISH OIL (Fighting Fat With Fat)

If you like the most power for your punch or the most bang for your buck, you’re going to love Fat- Burning Switch #1. It is one of the most significant, as studies have shown it can force your body to burn 275-488 more calories per day.
Normally you’d have to run at least 4 miles to pull that off. Yet this switch has nothing to do with running, and it actually improves the health of your heart too. Talk about a win-win!

Omega-3 fats from fish oil at an intake of at least 2,000 mg
DHA/EPA per day has been shown to directly increase calorie
output to the tune of 275-488 calories per day, or 16-28% of the
Average American RMR. (RMR is Resting Metabolic Rate, or how
many calories you burn at rest.)

So, we‘re fighting fat with fat.
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) are no ordinary types of fat. They are anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids that have health bene!ts from reducing triglycerides to potentially reducing mental disease to increasing calorie burn.


Let‘s go back to insulin for a moment. One of the best reasons to take fish oil at the dose we recommend is that it can make your cells more sensitive to insulin and thereby reduce insulin resistance. Remember, reducing insulin resistance means less fat stored and more fat burned. Combine this with direct calorie burning, and you‘ve got yourself one very powerful Fat-Burning Switch.

To flip your DHA/EPA Omega-3 Fat-Burning Switch, you have a couple options. If you like to eat fish, you can use a supplement with 1000 mg DHA/EPA split into 1-3 doses every day AND eat 12 ounces of fatty fish weekly. Or, if you don’t consistently eat that much !sh, and want to keep it as easy as possible, you can supplement 2000 mg DHA/EPA per day split into 3 doses. A few pills per day, in just a few seconds, and the work of Fat-Burning Switch #1 is “√” done.

If you decide to eat fish, which we recommend for all the other benefits of fish, such as protein, choose “fatty fish” when possible (lean are a great source of protein, but do not contain significant amounts of omega-3 fats). High omega-3 fatty fish include sole, crab, scallops, pollock, shrimp, catfish, clams, cod, anchovies, oysters, sardines, tuna, and salmon. Unfortunately, we live in a polluted world, so you have to take care to minimize mercury exposure. First, consider where the fish lies in the food chain: the higher up, the more mercury (shrimp have less than shark). Avoid high mercury fish such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel. Two to three 6-oz. servings of low-mercury fish per week are within acceptable limits of exposure for most people (pregnant women excluded).

Mercury isn’t just bad for your brain.

It’s also bad for your metabolism and ability to lose fat. In fact, our bodies store toxins in our fat cells when they cannot get rid of them. This accumulation can make it tougher to lose fat. And, when you do lose
it, it allows the toxins back into your bloodstream where they can do harm. Make sure to help your body get rid of them when you lose weight with a large number of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables, large amounts of fluids, and, you guessed it – mercury-free DHA/EPA fish oil fats! In the meantime, eat as clean as possible to stop the accumulation of toxins.
When buying your supplement, don’t rely on the milligrams of omega-3s listed on the front of your supplement bottle. Turn the bottle around and find the milligrams of DHA/EPA. Take note of the serving size so that you know the concentration per capsule. Also, look for the least amount of fish
used as ingredients (1-5), and aim for small fish such as anchovies, sardines, shrimp, and krill.

Also, avoid “liver oils” such as cod liver oil since the liver detoxi!es the animal and has unknown amounts of other chemicals, vitamins, and unknown substances. Look for a statement that indicates the supplement conforms to the AOAC international protocols (Scientific Association Dedicated to Analytical Excellence). Lastly, if you see other ingredients, determine what they are. Some supplements add vitamin E (serves as an antioxidant to protect fat), lemon (improves the flavor), and rosemary extract (protective).

Our suggestions for fish oil supplements (we receive no monetary compensation for these recommendations) are Jarrow Brand, Carlson Brand, Schiff MegaRed Krill Oil 300mg, Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, 365 Value Everyday Fish Oil 1000 mg, Shaklee Omega Guard, or Puritan’s
Pride Omega 3. On the flip side, some brands we avoid are those with liver oils that contain unknown amounts of other vitamins, minerals, or chemicals.  As of June 2009 avoid Solaray’s Salmon Oil and Super Pure EPA,

RiteAid’s Cod Liver Fish Oil, Omega Protein’s Omega Pure, and Kmart Brand due to inconsistencies with stated concentration or detection of unacceptable chemical, mineral, or pesticide levels.
Lastly, we’d like to discuss the other healthy omega-3 fat, alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) found in many foods, including Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil. While it has its own health benefits, it cannot replace DHA and EPA. For years, experts hypothesized that healthy bodies readily converted ALA
into DHA and EPA. However, more recent research has shown that only a small fraction is converted. So, if you want to include flax or chia in your diet (which is a great idea), consume it in addition to the recommended amounts of fish oil.


You may be thinking, “I can’t stand the fishy burps I have after taking fish oil capsules.” Well, no one likes fish burps. There are two options to decrease them. First, try krill oil. Krill oil capsules do not produce this negative side effect for most people. Second, try lemon-flavored fish oil capsules.

Although we do not recommend supplements with a lot of ingredients, you can find ones that only add a few to combat any undesired flavor, such as lemon extract. There is also a third option—one that also keeps your breath fresh— so keep reading!


Since omega-3 fats can thin your blood, those currently on blood thinners or known to have thin blood should talk to their doctors.


Start with approximately 500-700 mg DHA/EPA (in combination) from fish oil each morning with your meal. Then another 500-700 mg DHA/EPA in 2-3 days at dinner. Increase your dose by 500-700 mg every 2-3 days if you want to go up to 2,000 mg DHA/EPA. Again, look at the nutrition label to
determine the milligrams of DHA and EPA specifically, not milligrams of fish oil. For medical reasons, some people have to take much more, so if that is what you’re doing, keep doing it!

While you’ve heard of fish tales, !shy stories, and now fishy burps, we’ve provided a great start to your Fat-Burning, Metabolism-Reprogramming journey. Flip this switch today: 2,000 mg of DHA/EPA Omega-3 fats from fish oils every day.

“Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.”

2. VITAMIN D (The Old, 1, 2 Punch)

After starting so strong with Fish Oil, let’s keep it going with our 2nd Fat- Burning Switch. It happens to be so potent, so prevailing, that current research correlates it with reduced risk of some cancers, reduced depression and fatigue, reduced risk of dementia, reduced risk of heart attacks among men, improved bone density, and now fat burn and loss.

We’re talking big-time fat loss that correlates with 227 calories burned per day with just 1000 IU of Vitamin D per day!

Researchers at the University of Minnesota found that 1000 IU of supplemented Vitamin D resulted in an extra 5-pound weight loss in 11 weeks. This accounts for an average of 227 calories burned per day or 13% of the Average American RMR. What does this mean to you? Add this supplement and you’ll burn more, and lose more than you would without it.
Now, many experts recommend 250% of the previously recommended  amount of vitamin D. Others, who have studied all the extra benefits of this vitamin, recommend upwards of 5000 IU per day.


You may already know that your skin, in amazing fashion, can actually synthesize vitamin D from sunlight. What you may not realize is that there is an epidemic of inadequate natural sunlight exposure in our country – and, it’s not because the sun is getting dimmer. No, it has more to do
with our busy schedules. Our get-into-the-office-before-sun-up, work-all-day-and-never-leave the- building, arrive-home-after-dark-only-to-drive-straight-into-a-garage-and-into-our-home lifestyles.

To make matters worse, your cells, once again, maybe sabotaging you. If you carry extra fat, your ability to synthesize vitamin D may be diminished. The negative cycle once again rears its ugly head as those who need this natural Fat-Burning Switch the most don’t get it enough. Having dark-colored skin, living at lower altitudes, living with overcast weather, and using sunscreen results in lower amounts synthesized by the skin. So, for the time being, let’s give nature a helping hand and supplement in addition to sunlight.

Don’t get us wrong, sunlight is great and the vitamin D you synthesize from it is the icing on the cake. Sunlight provides many health benefits. Tired and cranky? It can energize you by improving your mood and your sleep patterns. Stressed? An increase in serotonin after natural sunlight exposure reduces stress. Trouble sleeping? Serotonin is converted into melatonin (the sleep hormone) when it’s dark and time for bed. Sunlight is a key part of wellness missing in many modern Americans’ busy lives.

To flip this Vitamin D Fat-Burning Switch, simply take at least 1000 IU, and up to 5000 IU for even more healthful benefits, of Vitamin D per day. Additionally, get as much natural sun exposure early in your day, and throughout your day, as possible. In 20 seconds, you’ve primed your cells to burn more calories and lose more fat.

When choosing a supplement, look for brands that contain the D3-form of Vitamin D rather than D2. While both can increase blood levels, Vitamin D2 is synthesized by plants, and vitamin D3 is synthesized by vertebrates (including humans). We recommend vitamin D3 since it’s the form our bodies are made to utilize.

As a fat-soluble vitamin, there is a risk of toxicity with Vitamin D. Toxicity is usually detected at 50,000 IU in healthy people – 10-50 times our recommendation.

Look for a supplement serving to provide 1000-2000 IU Vitamin D per pill. Or, to flip two Fat-Burning Switches at one time, go for Calcium/Vitamin D combo pills such as Caltrate Calcium 600 + D (1200 mg calcium and 800 IU vitamin D in 2 tablets), or Oscal Chewable (1000 mg calcium and 800 IU vitamin D in 2 chewable tablets). Then, add extra vitamin D if you’d like to go higher.

You can also choose foods with vitamin D. However, very few foods contain vitamin D naturally. Some foods, like dairy, are fortified with small amounts of it (when food is fortified, vitamin or mineral, which is not naturally found in the food, has been added). To find out how much vitamin D is in a food, look at the percentage listed on the nutrition label. The percentage is based on 400 IU per day, so 25% Vitamin D equals 100 IU.

Vitamin D is generally a safe supplement in the amounts we’ve recommended. At much higher levels, it is associated with weakness, fatigue, sleepiness, headache, loss of appetite, dry mouth, metallic taste, nausea, and vomiting.


Talk to your doctor if you have a known sensitivity to vitamin D, malabsorption syndrome, hypercalcemia, or decreased renal function. If you are taking any prescription drugs, consult your doctor as Vitamin D can interact with some medications causing the body to absorb more or less of the medication. The Vitamin D-drug interactions include, but are not limited to, antacids, Calcipotriene, Digoxin, Diltiazem, Verapamil, and water pills. Lastly, anyone with a high risk of skin damage from even a short time in direct sunlight should avoid sun exposure.


Take 1000-5000 IU Vitamin D every day through supplement (can be in one dose). Take with food at any time of day. If you choose to take a Vitamin D/Calcium supplement, look for 2 pills to provide a total of 1000-1200 mg calcium and 800-1200 IU vitamin D. Separate the 2 pills into 2 doses taken at two different times of day, with food. Then, you can add extra vitamin D supplements to get to 5000 IU for full health benefits.

Don’t bang your head against a wall any longer. Since extra body fat may be inhibiting your cells from making adequate vitamin D, start supplementing. Instead of going crazy trying to become lean so that you feel great and become healthier first, make your cells healthier so that you can become lean – which will then make your cells even healthier. Start today with 1000 IU vitamin D. Start a positive cycle rather than continuing a negative one.

3. ICE WATER (Cool It Down To Burn It Up!)

Why not cool it down to burn it up? Our 3rd Fat-Burning Switch does just that. It’s a simple, healthy way to boost your metabolism and energy expenditure. There are so many benefits with this Fat- Burning Switch, it is literally one key to overall wellness.

All you’ve got to do is switch your drink to ice water to burn an extra 70 calories per day.

Easy enough?

When you drink ice cold drinks, your body must warm them to body temperature. When’s the last time your pee was ice-cold, right? If your water’s ice-cold, it has to be raised from approximately 0 degrees Celsius to 37 degrees Celsius in your body. Technically, a calorie is just a unit of energy – the amount of energy it takes to raise one gram of water 1 degree Celsius (with water, 1 gram equates to 1 milliliter). Following the math, it takes about 70 calories to warm up 64 oz. of ice water. You need water anyway, so keep it icy.
It may not sound like a big calorie boost to you. But, by drinking 64 oz. of ice water each day to burn an extra 70 calories per day, 4% of the Average  American RMR, you’ll reap an extra 490 calories burned every week. Without stepping into a gym.

What else is in it for you?

This Fat-Burning Switch has a lot to offer. In fact, it can help you lose fat in other ways besides direct calorie expenditure. Fat Breakdown creates by-products that must be flushed from the system. Without adequate fluid, your breakdown of fat may come to a halt!

It can keep you healthy throughout the year. By staying well-hydrated, you can reduce your risk of seasonal colds, flu, and other bugs. Use water in 2 ways:

  1. Drink enough to stay hydrated, keep mucus thin, and flush your system; and
  2. Wash your hands regularly.

When you’re drinking water proactively, you can control your food intake better. Many experts believe that we misread thirst signals for hunger and overeat instead of hydrate – that’s a big mistake when trying to lose weight! Always drink adequately and make sure you are hydrated before adding an extra serving, overloading your plate, or grazing on junk.

Water keeps you looking youthful. Dehydration has a direct effect on your skin. Water will plump your cells and reduce signs of aging. Staying hydrated also drastically reduces your risk of kidney stones. Anyone who’s ever had one knows that this is enough reason to drink up. You’ll get the added bonus of reducing your risk of urinary tract infections, headaches, constipation, and muscle cramps.

Just how much fluid do you need every day? This largely depends on the amount of food you eat, your amount of exercise, and any other sweating you do as a result of hot, humid weather or activity. Generally, you need approximately 64 oz. for a 2000-calorie daily intake. If you eat more than this, you should drink more. Add more anytime you workout, at least 16-32 oz. per hour of moderate or intense activity. While the common condition of dehydration can make you feel sluggish and directly impact an athlete’s performance or training, it’s very difficult to over-hydrate. Flip this Switch and drink proactively throughout the day.

Who knew you’d have so many choices when it comes to something as simple as water. First, if you drink tap, make sure to filter it with a filter rated at least an ANSI/NSF Standard 53 to remove some contaminants that cause health concerns.

If you buy bottled, make sure it is Springwater (natural from the Earth).
You can also go further to improve the quality of your water with ultraviolet and reverse osmosis treatments.

Despite what you may have heard, caffeinated drinks hydrate you just as non-caffeinated drinks hydrate you. Although there is a slight diuretic effect from caffeine, which slightly increases urine output, it is usually not enough to negate the fluid consumed with the drink. Go ahead, count your
ice-cold tea towards your hydration goals every day.

On the other hand, we’re not big fans of sweetened drinks (naturally or artificially sweetened). When natural sweeteners such as sugar are used, they absolutely cause an increase in insulin which can lead to more insulin resistance and fat storage. With most artificial sweeteners, there are health concerns. Even Splenda, Stevia, and others like them, that have been used without negative health effects for years are often combined with potentially harmful chemicals such as acesulfame potassium in diet drinks. There are health concerns with acesulfame potassium.

Take home message: water is best. If you absolutely want a sweetened drink, go for healthy sweeteners that you add yourself (so no other chemicals are added).


If you typically don’t drink 64 oz. of #uids per day, you may experience the need for a few more trips to the loo. Otherwise, there are no significant side effects of drinking ice water for most adults.


If you’re on a fluid restriction, talk to your doctor about the amount of fluid you should drink every day. If you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome or delayed gastric emptying, ice water may slow down digestion and affect your symptoms. If this is the case, keep ice cold drinks between meals rather
then right before them.


Drink at least 64 oz. of ice-cold water throughout the day, every day. Drink proactively in order to drink enough rather than following thirst, moods, and schedules. For instance, drink 32 oz. by noon each day, 24 oz. by 5:00 pm each evening, and another 8 oz. before 7:00 pm. Drink 16-32 oz. ice water for every hour of any moderate or intense workout to replenish any fluids you’ve lost. Lastly, for every 1000 calories, you eat above 2000 calories, add 32 oz. of ice water each day.

It doesn’t take much to get the Fat-Burning Switches to work for you. We’re tired of unhealthy cells sabotaging all the hard work you’re doing. Take control and force your cells to cooperate. By simply drinking ice water, you’re almost -500 calories per week closer to your goals!

4. HIGH POLYPHENOL CHOCOLATE (This One’s For Your Sweet Tooth)

The 4th Fat-Burning Switch will melt the hearts of chocolate lovers while decreasing insulin resistance in their cells. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. The polyphenols and other flavanols found in chocolates that contain at least 70% cocoa do just that. Participants in studies have shown this metabolism benefit PLUS other health benefits. Who really needs any more reasons to eat chocolate?

Simply replace any normal “dessert food” with 1 oz. dark
chocolate (must be 70% or more cocoa solids) to improve
cellular health and decrease fat storage!

In our quest to find healthy foods and supplements to fuel our bodies, heal our cells, and promote fat loss, this Fat-Burning Switch ranks high with results while being incredibly easy to incorporate. Why eat foods that will drag you down when you can ENJOY foods that will heal and energize you? While you’re making your cells more sensitive to insulin, you’ll also begin reaping other health benefits.

High polyphenol foods also improve Cardiovascular Markers such as LDL cholesterol, blood sugars, chronic inflammatory conditions, and even Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In addition to polyphenols, high cocoa treats have other great nutrients to offer. Some brands contain 4 grams of !ber per
serving, with only 5 grams of sugar.

You can also benefit from other high polyphenol foods including red wine, coffee, green tea, black tea, many fruits and vegetables, legumes, and some grains. Specifically, apples, blackberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, grapes, pears, plums, raspberries, and strawberries are high polyphenol fruits. Broccoli, cabbage, celery, onion, and parsley are high polyphenol vegetables.

You may have previously been told that every treatment will inhibit your fat loss efforts. However, with portion control and smart eating throughout the day, you can use treats to your advantage. They can provide a mental boost and keep you going with a lifestyle of healthy eating.

If you’ve never bought 70% cocoa dark chocolate, you’re not alone as it’s only now gaining popularity in the US. While it may be intimidating to sort through the labels and brands at first, you’ll soon know your way around this section of the candy aisle. Our favorite brands include Valrhona 88% (Trader Joes), Endangered Species 88% (many health foods, Whole Foods), Safeway Select 78% (Safeway), Hageland 80% (Walmart and various stores), Scharffenberger 82% (Williams Sonoma), and Theo Chocolate (Whole Foods). Avoid any “dark chocolates” with less than 70% cocoa or no percentage stated. Milk chocolate has very few polyphenols and white chocolate has none.
As always, Buyer Beware! To be listed as “dark chocolate,” a product only needs to contain 35% cocoa. While this may be better than milk chocolate, it certainly is not high enough to deliver the polyphenols we want. “Dark Chocolate” labels can be found everywhere from Snickers Dark to dark chocolate !ber bars to dark chocolate yogurt. These chocolate products don’t make their cocoa percentages available or obvious because they are not high enough to be considered a high polyphenol food. Before you slap an extra buck down for “dark chocolate” fix, make sure it’s the real thing.


One ounce of dark chocolate contains approximately 20 mg of caffeine, about 25% of the amount in the average 8-ounce cup of coffee. If this amount of caffeine affects you, consider using this Fat- Burning Switch early in the day rather than in the evening so that you don’t disturb sleep.


Take caution if you have an allergy or sensitivity to chocolate or chocolate components, including caffeine. No other issues identified.


Eat 1 oz. 70% (or more) cocoa dark chocolate one time each day. If you normally eat another dessert food, especially one that is tanking your metabolism with high amounts of sugar or unhealthy fats, replace it with this Fat-Burning Switch.

Burning fat doesn’t have to taste like celery. The Fat-Burning Switches are about forming easy, quick, healthy habits that you can actually enjoy for life. Chocolate, anyone?

5. THE RULE OF 45 (Get Up And Get Moving)

Take a moment and think about your day.

How many consecutive hours have you or will sit in one place?
Two? Three? Six? More?

If you are like many Americans, you sit at a desk for long periods of time without getting up. You get little direct sunlight during the day. You feel your energy levels and ability to focus wax and wane, but you push through it in order to get your work done. Then, you sit in your car for your 30-60 minute commute. Once you’re home, you’re exhausted, so you sit down and relax.

Although you may not realize it, your body’s response to food and its fat-burning vs. fat-storage pathways are affected by hours of being sedentary. What’s a modern American office worker to do? How about Fat-Burning Switch #5, The Rule of 45? By snapping out of the sedentary daze every 45 minutes or so, you can reprogram your cells and metabolism to keep burning instead of storing fat. It’s imperative to put an end to hours of sitting. While you’re staying put, your body continues through its natural cycles. These cycles are responsible for your body’s desire to sleep and to be awake, to be hungry and to be full, to be physically active, and to be sedentary. Just a few hundreds of years ago, very few people on this Earth would have the “luxury” of sitting all day – and they, the rich, would be some of the few to experience high weight and fat levels. Other humans, the workers, were physically active all day. This is what their bodies, and our bodies, were designed to do.

Fast-forward to the present day and take a look around. Most adults (and even kids at school, unfortunately) are sitting without breaks. Although our bodies and our natural hormonal cycles haven’t changed, our society and style of daily work certainly have. Our sedentary lifestyles have certainly contributed to our obesity epidemic. By not breaking up sedentary work with at least small amounts of activity, we’re killing our metabolisms.

Simply put, your body does not and will not burn fat as long as you violate it. Ignore your body’s natural cycles, and you’ll literally put your body into a fight or flight response. This is NOT what you want.

In fight or flight, the body increases cortisol, which signals for the release of fat cells into the bloodstream. The fat is used as fuel for an escape. The body perceives a potentially life-threatening situation.

As if you were being chased by a Mammoth or a Saber-Toothed Tiger.

However, you’re not being pursued by a predatory, prehistoric feline. You’re just sitting there and the fat is not used. Guess what happens to it.

It gets deposited right on your belly region. And, we’re not even to the worst part. You are communicating to your body that you need to store even more fat. And so the cycle continues and the fat stacks.

As we keep sitting through our bodies’ and hormones’ cries for physical activity throughout the day, we’re telling our bodies one thing: store fat! Our hormonal rhythms have everything to do with fat storage. Our bodies are designed to move, not sit. In fact, our cellular response to food actually changes to more quickly digest and store fat with chronic sitting.

So how can you listen to your body AND get your work done? Flip the fifth Fat-Burning Switch:

Build movement into your day at least once every 45-60 minutes, and you will boost your metabolism and energize your body. You will keep your body in a state where it has the best opportunity to burn fat as fuel for energy. To use this switch, you can set an alarm on a computer/watch/timer so that you are alerted for action every 45 minutes.

We realize you can’t exactly take an hourly jog around the block. But, we know that you can create regular, quick, physical breaks. Any activity that involves getting up out of your chair and intentionally moving will help. Three different ideas for easy movements include:

  1. THE PHONE EXERCISE: Any time you make a call, get up and walk in place or at least stand, you’ll introduce movement into an otherwise sedentary time. You can also walk upstairs, down the hall, or get outside for the call.
  2. THE SNEAKY WORKOUT: Try calf raises instead of just standing. Simply slowly raise up until you are on your tippy-toes, and then slowly lower yourself back down. Do these 15 – 20 times while you’re talking on the phone, brainstorming, or typing.
  3. STRESS BALL: If you can’t get up and complete activity #1 or #2, just grab your stress ball and repetitively squeeze alternating each hand as necessary. This will activate muscles and get you going. You can also clench your core muscles and slowly release them while you are sitting.

Amazingly, some experts have put “walking desks” into practice. These desks are actually workstations that include a treadmill. So, instead of sitting and working, workers walk and work. Not only do these cool cubicles increase calorie output, they have been shown to increase blood vessel production to muscles and the brain. In fact, those who engage in exercise have more brain blood vessels than sedentary people. Memory, concentration, and productivity can increase signi!cantly. Although
your boss may not spring for this set-up, installing your own Rule of 45 will get the ball rolling!
As you become more and more in tune with your body and energy levels, you’ll be able to tell when it’s time to get up and break the sedentary slump. Pay attention when you feel your concentration diminishing, when you start to physically slump your shoulders, or when you beginning yawning
in order to get enough oxygen because your body is begging for a rhythm change. Get up and get moving.
When possible, break up the day with a quick walk up the stairs or, even better, into the parking lot for some fresh air. While our bodies’ hormonal systems respond to sunlight, they do not respond well to fluorescent lights. Get outside anytime it’s possible. Guess what, you’ll be healthier and more productive. Tell your body to continue its natural, healthy rhythms and to STOP STORING FAT!


None Identified.


Please discuss any new physical activities with your doctor before starting.


Every 45-60 minutes, stand up and move. For example, walk, do calf raises, squeeze a stress ball or contract, and release your core muscles. If possible, take a few opportunities each day and get outside. Don’t go more than 60 consecutive minutes sitting or being still.
Think outside the box. Just because you have a desk job, you don’t have to sit for being sedentary! Build movement into your day, no matter what crazy looks you get from your coworkers. Once they see your energy and metabolism skyrocketing, they’ll be asking for The Rule of 45!

6. SUGAR-FREE GUM (Chew On Something Positive)

For the 6th Fat-Burning Switch, you only need the time it takes to unwrap a piece of gum and pop it in your mouth. From there, your body does the rest. It will burn a conservative amount of calories directly while it stops you from eating unnecessary calories between meals.

Chewing sugar-free gum between meals can burn and save (the calories you won’t eat) an average of 174 calories per day, or 10% of the Average American RMR!

A study from the Glasgow Caledonian University showed that participants reduced calorie consumption between meals by 36 calories when chewing gum. Additionally, they burned 11 calories per hour with gum-chewing. Since many people overeat just because they are in the habit of chewing something, they are able to eat significantly less when they chew sugar-free gum instead of foods. Also, the physical act of chewing can influence hunger and fullness hormones to provide a more satiated feeling between meals.

To flip your Sugar-free Gum Chewing Switch, simply chew sugar-free gum an average of 2 hours after/between meals (around planned snacks), for an approximate calorie reduction of 108 calories per day. Additionally, the physical act of chewing will expend 66 calories per day. That’s a total of 174 calories saved and/or burned per day, no sneakers required.

Not all chewing gums are created equal. Some contain sugar (bad for teeth, insulin cycle, and metabolism) while others contain artificial sweeteners. Many artificial sweeteners are associated with health risks, so you must be choosy. Gums sweetened with sorbitol or xylitol are healthy, aspartame-free, and sugar-free choices.

To avoid unhealthy chemicals and get the bene!ts of sugar-free gum, we recommend Trader Joe’s Glee gum, Spry gum, and Xylitol gum. Trident’s, Stride’s, and Dentyne’s cinnamon flavor do not contain aspartame, nor does Trident Green Apple.

Believe it or not, your oral health has major implications for your overall health. Not only are many diseases first detected in the mouth, but bacteria from conditions like gum disease can also actually enter the bloodstream and affect your whole body. Since your mouth is typically full of bacteria, it’s important to keep saliva flowing as it’s a natural bacteria and virus fighter. You will produce more saliva and fight more bacteria and viruses by chewing sugar-free gum!

Have you ever sat down for dinner, only to realize you snacked too much while making it and are no longer hungry? If so, sugar-free gum during dinner preparation can be a real help. After dinner, “close” the kitchen for the night and pop a piece of sugar-free mint gum in your mouth. You’ll feel empowered to snack less and move onto other things.

If you’re simply not able to chew gum during the day due to work etiquette, you can still use at least part of this Fat-Burning Switch to your advantage. Although you won’t get the extra benefits of burning calories while chewing gum, you can brush your teeth immediately after all meals and snacks for the same calorie-control effect. It’s less likely that you’ll want extra snacks if your mouth is minty clean.


None Identified.


Take precautions if you have a sensitivity or allergy to any ingredient in the gum.

Chew sugar-free, aspartame-free gum for 2 hours between meals and after dinner for a total of 6 hours per day. With so many benefits wrapped into 1 stick of sugar-free gum, this one’s no-brainer. The American Dental Association recommends it for healthy teeth, and we recommend it for a slammin’ body! Sink your teeth into that.

7. THE COCONUT OIL / OLIVE OIL SWAP (Once Again, Fight Fat with Fat)

If you’ve been told fats are bad for you, you’ve been told one big fat lie.

The 7th Fat-Burning Switch will attempt to uncover the truth and promote healthy fats as the fat-burning, health-promoting nutrients they are. Two specific types of fats, Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) and Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) offer a lot to us, from direct increases in calorie expenditure to decreases in insulin resistance and improved metabolism.

To flip Fat-Burning Switch #7, add 1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil or 1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil to 3 meals per day for a daily calorie burn of 50-100 calories, 3-6% of the Average American RMR.

Current research is exonerating almost all types of fats. After a couple of decades of fat-banishing at the detriment to our waistlines and our health, we’re finally coming to our senses. Plant fats are in.


Many of them promote health instead of diminishing it. They have little to do with increased cholesterol and even less to do with fat storage. Some fats promote heart health, thermogenesis (energy expended for digestion), improved metabolism and insulin sensitivity, fat oxidation, satiety, and overall wellness. They can reduce inflammation and abdominal fat. The two identified in Fat- Burning Switch #7, MCTs and MUFAs, provide these benefits.

A great source of MCTs is Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, and MUFAs is Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Although processed and hydrogenated coconut oils are harmful, the natural extra virgin coconut oil is extremely healthful and numerous studies support its benefits. To add it to your diet, add 1-3 teaspoons coconut oil to 3 meals per day. Then replace it with extra virgin olive oil the next week in the same amounts. Continue alternating, week to week. By swapping back and forth with MCTs and olive oil MUFAs, you’ll get the calorie-burning boost, reduce insulin secretion, and improve insulin sensitivity in cells.

If you’re not familiar with extra virgin coconut oil, you’re not alone. It comes in many forms. If you want to take it for its health and metabolism benefits, you MUST buy extra virgin coconut oil. Stay away from partially hydrogenated oils as they are Fat-Burning killers. In most stores, you’ll find coconut oils that are Refined/Bleached/Deodorized (RBD), and may contain contaminants. Even if they’re safe, they won’t provide the benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut oil.

When it’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil’s turn, add it unheated to fresh foods or after foods have been cooked.

You can use it in a homemade salad dressing and drizzle it on vegetables. Or, use it to add flavor and moisture to cooked meats – your chicken breast dinner is starting to sound a little better, right? It has a very low smoke point and many of its health benefits are decreased with heating. As long as it doesn’t reach its smoke point it is not harmful to cook with it, but you won’t get all the health and metabolism benefits unless it’s unheated.

On the other hand, you can absolutely cook with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil. It has a very high smoke point and is a very stable fat (like other saturated fats). You can heat it without altering its health benefits. It works well in stir-fries and baked goods. For the full Fat-Burning Switch benefits, make sure to get the full amount when cooking with it – otherwise, add it to meals after they are cooked.

If you’re tempted to use supplemental coconut oil and olive oil capsules, don’t. With a recommendation of ~1-3 teaspoons 3 times per day, you’d have to take 30-40 capsules to get enough. Instead, add the real food for a great flavor and a fat-burning advantage.

We recommend Nutiva Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Wilderness Family Naturals, Garden of Life Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, any Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Avoid any that are hydrogenated, re!ned, bleached, or deodorized and any that are not extra virgin.


None Identified.


Avoid MCTs (coconut oil) with ketosis, acidosis, and cirrhosis.


Add 1 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil to every meal (three times/per).

Weekly: After one week of extra virgin coconut oil, switch to 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil in the same amounts. Continue to alternate every other week. No boring, fat-free, flavorless recommendations on the 7 Minute Diet. We’re dialing it up with healthy fats. And, we’re just getting starting – you’re on your way to even more flavorful Fat-Burning Switches!

8. VITAMIN C, (Can You (C) It?)

Can you see (C) it? It’s your body working with you, rather than against you. It’s your cells responding to the foods you eat with an explosion of energy rather than with a yawn. It’s fat actually burning when you exercise so that you make your heart healthier and reach your fat loss goals. If you can’t see it yet, you will wit Fat-Burning Switch #8.

By taking 500 mg of Vitamin C each morning, you can burn an extra 126 calories each day, 7% of the Average American RMR doing the light to the moderate activity you likely already do.

This will give your exercise an extra boost!

It’s estimated that more than twenty percent of all Americans are Vitamin C de!cient. This vitamin plays an important role in energy, metabolism, skin integrity, and immune function. Researchers have found that 500 mg vitamin C per day can increase calorie burn by ~126 calories during 60 minutes of light-moderate walking. Study participants simply added the vitamin C supplement each day and then participated in their usual exercise – calorie output was then measured and there was this direct, significant increase.

You can also get vitamin C in foods, but it can be difficult to consistently get 500 mg per day (most servings of fruits and vegetables are well under 100 mg). A good idea is to take the 500 mg supplement AND eat a diet rich in high-vitamin C fruits and vegetables. The extra vitamin C will not do harm and is the cherry on the top.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that while there is still a small risk of toxicity with very high intakes, a healthy body will excrete most any build-up. It is very easy for our bodies to absorb and metabolize. You can take it with a meal or on an empty stomach. Vitamin C also enhances the absorption of iron. This is very helpful for anyone dealing with iron-deficiency or anemia since iron is difficult for our bodies to absorb.

Want to fight signs of aging? Yes, please. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. An antioxidant balances out unhealthy, free radicals in our bodies to make them neutral (a free radical is a charged molecule that causes damage to our cells). When there are more free radicals than antioxidants in our bodies, oxidative stress occurs. Oxidative stress is associated with many disease states including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, chronic in#ammatory disease, and diabetes. It is also associated with signs of aging.

With all supplements, you must be choosy, so we recommend Nature Made Timed Release Vitamin C 500 mg, Puritan’s Pride Vitamin C 500mg, Origins Vitamin C with Rose Hips 500mg, Trader Darwin Chewable Vitamin C 500 mg. (Most multivitamins have 60 mg).


None Identified.


Avoid vitamin C supplements if you have a known sensitivity to vitamin C, or a genetic iron disorder.


Take a 500 mg vitamin C supplement every morning. Then, get up and move during the day. If only all healthy habits were this simple. Take a pill in the morning. Burn more calories with every step you take.

9.PRELOAD (Fuel Up Before You Fill Up)

What’s your signal to put down the fork? Is it when you’ve cleaned your plate? When you start to feel full? Studies have shown that the amount of food most people consume at a meal or snack is based on the volume ingested. You can decrease the amount of calories you eat then, with Fat-
Burning Switch #9, Preload. Ingest a !ber and water “pre-load,” and you will eat less at that meal and subsequent ones.

Preload with 16 oz. of water and 1 fiber supplement serving 10-20 minutes before every meal and save 171-188 calories every day, 10% of the Average American RMR!

Research has found that most people stop eating when their stomachs are stretched with little regard for the amount of nutrients or calories. In fact, this is how it’s supposed to work. Our “feeling full” hormone, leptin, signals our brain when our stomach is stretched and we’re full. In the case of over-eating, we ignore this signal or we eat so fast that we don’t recognize it in time.

How can we use this information to improve our metabolism? To increase volume and better activate leptin without increasing calories, use water and !ber “preload” before meals. You can use a fiber supplement that you stir into the water (look for ones that dissolve completely) or a tablet. This switch directly affects the amount you ingest, and therefore the amount you lose. Drink 16 oz. water with !ber and make sure you are pre-loaded before your meals. Then, listen to your body and stop eating when you’re full.

There are a lot of fiber supplements out there, and some are better than others. For powders and tablets, we recommend Benefiber, Metamucil, Fibersure, and FiberSmart. If you avoid wheat products, Fibersure and FiberSmart are good choices since they are made with vegetable and/or flaxseed fiber.

Both soluble and insoluble fiber will work with this Fat-Burning Switch, but soluble fiber bulks up more and increases volume best. Soluble fiber, in chemistry terms, simply means it can be dissolved in water. In the body, it is known for absorbing intestinal fluid to improve both constipation and/or diarrhea conditions. The cells and the healthy bacteria in our intestines actually feed on the soluble fiber, stay healthy, and proliferate. It helps heal our intestines of any damage and keeps them in good working order.

As you’ll read in a subsequent Fat-Burning Switch, we could spend all day talking about the benefits of fiber, from both whole foods and supplements. It can improve cardiovascular markers such as LDL cholesterol, improve blood sugars, decrease insulin resistance, promote intestinal health, and improve immunity. We’ve already discussed the bene!ts of water. So, put these two together and you’re onto something. Make it ice cold and burn calories while you drink it.

Why not eat a high fiber food source before a meal instead of a supplement? You certainly could use high fiber, low-calorie food such as an apple, orange, or vegetables, along with water, before a meal. You can also add high fiber seeds such as ground flaxseeds and chia seeds to smoothies, cereals, and yogurt to get a similar volumizing effect. However, for simplicity and time-saving sake, the fiber supplement can come in handy.

You may have heard of other preloads as well, those that include a protein source. This can work. However, when studied, participants routinely ate less protein at meals and often added other foods in its place. Instead, use water and fiber and then eat adequate protein with meals.


If you are not accustomed to eating this amount of fiber, you may experience some slight bloating until your body adjusts.


Talk to your doctor if you have gastrointestinal conditions with sensitivities to soluble or insoluble fiber.


Drink 16 oz. of water with 1 serving of a fiber supplement approximately 10-20 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Volumetrics has been around for a long time and its principles still hold true. Stretch your stomach, activate leptin, and eat less. Be sure to include healthy foods in your meals so that you get the nutrients you need with less consumption. Let leptin work for you!

10. WHEY PROTEIN(It’s Time To “Whey” The Facts)

When it comes to burning fat, not many nutrients help as much as our 10th Fat-Burning switch. In fact, it strongly in#uences metabolic processes. It reduces the activity of an enzyme that promotes fat storage. It promotes fullness and often decreases calorie intake. It is one of the most effective proteins at reducing muscle loss, which is of huge benefit to your metabolism.

Replace other foods with 15-20 grams of whey protein 1-2 times
per day and lose the fat that equates to 167-334 calories per day,
up 19% of the Average American RMR!

In a study involving people who were insulin resistant, as many overweight and obese people are, those who supplemented with whey powder lost 5.7 pounds more fat mass than carbohydrate participants in just 2 months. Yes, fat mass! These participants were all trying to lose weight with a calorie-controlled diet, and the extra whey gave them an extra boost. This boost equates to a calorie output of up to 334 calories per day.

Go into any health food or supplement store and you’ll soon realize that there are many, many whey supplements from which to choose. There’s certainly a right whey and a wrong whey. You can spot the wrong ones quickly – any that have added sugar or a lot of calories is not recommended for this Fat-Burning Switch. Instead of the cheapest, hugest, most advertised barrel of whey protein on the store’s shelves, we recommend:

UNDENATURED WHEY PROTEIN. This means it was not pasteurized at the high heat, which renders many healthy components of cow’s milk useless, and denatures (chemically changes) the proteins. Un-denatured proteins contain the natural forms of L-cysteine, L-glutamate, and glycine that provide the raw materials for your cells to make glutathione. If you haven’t heard of glutathione, it is simply one of the most powerful antioxidants our bodies can use. It is responsible for detoxifying our cells and reducing oxidative stress and free radicals. It increases the activity of other antioxidants in our body. If the only type of whey protein you’re getting is pasteurized and denatured, you’re missing out on a huge benefit.

PROTEIN from cows that have NOT been treated with hormones such as rBST or rBGH. These hormones are used to increase the milk production of many cows in America but are not allowed in Canada, Europe, and Australia. Some claim that they are safe, primarily the manufacturer of the hormone and our government, but many others believe they can increase estrogen in human bodies – the last thing you want when you’re losing fat.

WHEY PROTEIN POWDER should have as few ingredients as possible. Our top pick is usually unflavored – no sweeteners, artificial or natural, and no extra ingredients. If you want some flavor, look for Stevia, natural chocolate or vanilla, and minimal other ingredients. There’s no point in putting harmful ingredients, colorings, and flavors into your body when you’re trying your hardest to keep it running clean and strong.

Some of our favorite brands include Natural Factor’s Whey Factors, Bluebonnet Whey Isolate, and Dr. Mercola’s Miracle Whey – look for less than 100 calories, less than 3 grams of sugar, 15 or more grams of whey protein per scoop, undenatured, hormone-free. And avoid anything with more than 3 grams of sugar and/or more than 100 calories per scoop. Avoid whey protein “candy bars.”

Be sure that any dairy you consume is antibiotic and hormone-free.

Why all the fuss about hormones and antibiotics?

These two agents given to dairy cows to increase milk supply (or, increase pro!ts) and decrease the risk of disease (again, increase pro!ts) may do major damage to your health and metabolism. Estrogenlike hormones can enter your bloodstream through dairy, and act like estrogen.

More fat, slower metabolism, earlier puberty, potentially more cancer. Antibiotics in milk and meat, just like those prescribed and used to fight human diseases, make it harder for our bodies to fight harmful bacteria in the long run. Take care to find hormone-free, antibiotic-free dairy, and whey.

The proteins found in milk are one of the top eight most highly allergenic foods. In fact, many milk allergies go undetected in our early years and then are outgrown without any diagnosis of an allergy. Sometimes, it is simply a matter of intolerance to the protein as they are tough for some guts to  digest. However, almost all milk allergies are due to casein, not whey. So, unless you are allergic to whey, itself, even with an allergy you may be able to tolerate high-quality whey protein supplements.


None identified.


If you have an allergy or sensitivity to whey, avoid consuming it. Generally, those who are lactose intolerant and/or allergic to casein can tolerate whey protein concentrates and isolates. Still, consult your doctor before beginning.
If you are undergoing immunosuppressive therapy, talk to your doctor.

Replace other foods with 15-20 grams of undenatured, natural, whey protein isolate or concentrate in your meals or snacks 1-2 times per day.
After trying this Fat-Burning Switch, we think you’ll agree that there’s an easy way to boost your metabolism and switch your cells to Fat Burners. Just a scoop here and a scoop there.

11. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (Listen To Your Mother)

Your mom was right…you should eat your vegetables. She may not have been talking about losing fat and maintaining a healthy weight, but she was onto something. For every ¼ pound increase in fruit and vegetable intake, you can burn an extra 20 calories.

Add 1 serving of fruit each day and one serving of vegetables each day, and you’ll burn 40-80 extra calories,2-4% of the Average American RMR.

All while adding antioxidants, phytochemicals, polyphenols and other such disease-fighting super nutrients. At 40-80 calories per day, this may be a slow burner. However, it will add up over time and promote wellness while you do it. And, study after study confirms that people who eat more fruits and vegetables simply have lower BMIs.

It’s that simple.

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of fiber. Fiber has been shown to reduce insulin secretion and improve insulin sensitivity – both serve to reduce fat storage. High !ber diets can directly increase the thermic effect of food and reduce calorie absorption (increases metabolism). They improve digestion, which in turn improves the nutrient intake and elimination of wastes. They provide satiety, a feeling of being full because they stay in our stomachs longer than other foods.

Some fruits and vegetables contain special types of fiber and nutrients. Pectin and fructooligosaccharides play a big role in both healthy insulin cycles and healthy gut bacteria proliferation. Pectin also may slow the progress of plague formation in arteries.

Fruits and Vegetables are high in antioxidants (repair cell damage), phytochemicals (reduce risk for disease) and other vitamins and minerals. All these nutrients serve to improve overall health. And although you shouldn’t count on getting all your minerals from them as oxalates bind minerals in our intestines and make them hard to absorb, the other nutrients are readily available to our bodies.
Antioxidants may be one of the reasons fruits and vegetables help you lose fat. Why? They fight cell damage, even damage caused by environmental toxins. As we discussed previously, these toxins are stored in fat cells, and can drag down your metabolism and make it more difficult for you to lose
fat. Once you do start to lose it, it’s very important to help your body clean out the junk that’s being released into your bloodstream.
For the best variety of nutrients, try to eat vibrant, colorful fruits and vegetables of different colors throughout the day. Look for red (apples, bell peppers, grapes), purple (berries, grapes, eggplant), green (broccoli, spinach, collard greens), white (bananas, mushrooms) and orange
(sweet potatoes, squash, carrots). The colors imply specific vitamins and minerals such as betacarotene and antioxidants.
HAVE A SWEET TOOTH? Fruits should serve as your “sweet” food source. By eating them proactively, research shows you’ll likely eat other sweets less. There is a big difference between eating fruit and eating sugary treats. When your body breaks a whole fruit down, it has to fight through the !ber
before it gets to the sugar. The sugar found in fruits is mostly slow-acting. The extra work and slow digestion gives you the bene!ts of something sweet in your mouth without the fat on your midsection.
While vegetable juice can be used, we recommend avoiding fruit juice. Just like a refined grain provides the carbs without any of the fiber to slow it down, juice is similarly refined: the fiber has been taken away and the sugar remains.
We recommend most any whole, fresh or frozen fruit of vegetable. High sugar tropical fruits (such as bananas, pineapples, mangos, and papayas) should be consumed only every once in awhile – all others are free game. On the flip side, skip juice and canned fruits and vegetables.
Skip pills and powders that claim to contain the same nutrients as fruits and vegetables for this Fat-Burning Switch. Whole-food powders and pills…what? The last time we checked, whole foods should be whole. If
they are packed in a pill, they’re not. While some very high-quality powders manage to get the fiber in there as well, you’ll still miss out on key nutrients when they’ve been cooked, dehydrated, and powdered. Although these may not hurt you and may even provide some bene!t, they don’t give Fat-Burning Switch #11 power.

As much as possible, buy organic fruits and vegetables. The nutrient value is similar in organic

  1. conventional produce, but pesticides and chemicals can cause damage in our bodies and our metabolisms. Just recently, chemicals in conventional pesticides have been correlated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children. These are the top 10 high-pesticide fruits and vegetables, so be sure to stick with organic when you buy Celery, Peaches, Strawberries, Apples, Blueberries, Nectarines, Bell Peppers, Spinach, Cherries, Kale/Collard Greens, Potatoes, Grapes (Imported).

To control other portions, use vegetables to your advantage. Each evening, cover half of your dinner plate with vegetables. They can be fresh (salad), steamed, or sautéed with added healthy fats. Then, you’ve only got half a plate for the rest. You can stick with a healthy protein source and a serving or two of healthy fats (avocados, coconut oil) for the rest.


If you are not accustomed to eating this extra amount of fiber, you may experience some slight bloating until your body adjusts.


Take caution with any allergies to or intolerances of specific fruits and vegetables. Also, consult your doctor if you have gastrointestinal conditions with sensitivities to soluble or insoluble fiber.


Every day, add 1 extra serving of fruit and 1 extra serving of vegetables.

There are so many great reasons to eat fruits and vegetables. Now, add to it increased calorie output.

Burn fat and keep all sorts of diseases away with Fat-Burning Switch #11.

12.BLACK TEA (It’s Tea Time!)

Sip away your stress and fat. With a warm relaxing cup of hot black tea, you can reduce cortisol (the stress hormone), get antioxidants, and improve your metabolism. Fat-Burning Switch #12 takes your mind and body into account.

With just 1-4 cups of black tea per day, you can reduce cortisol by 20-25% when stressful situations occur.

Without a cortisol fighter like black tea, the scenario plays out a little differently. Cortisol is released when the body is under mental stress. Our bodies are designed to react physically to stress (example: run from danger or fight a predator). But, since most of our mental stress involves inactive situations (sedentary work, arguments, computer freeze-ups, and impossible schedules), we don’t usually “release” our stress effectively. Instead, cortisol levels build up.

The metabolism connection? High levels of cortisol are associated with INSULIN RESISTANCE, abdominal fat storage, inefficient fat breakdown, and carbohydrate cravings (yikes!). Stress and cortisol can defeat the best weight loss plan because it springboards the ugly cycle into action.

More insulin resistance, more fat stored, more insulin resistance. More fat. More stress?

Tea provides healthy catechins, polyphenols, flavonoids, amino acids, and a small amount of caffeine. All of these components may provide the healthy, stress-reducing bene!ts. The polyphenols in tea deliver the same health bene!ts as those found in high-polyphenol chocolate.

By proactively reducing cortisol, you’ll store less fat, burn more fat, and stick to your healthy meal plan better. Drink 8-12 oz. a few times per day – you can add seasonings and spices such as cloves/ cinammon/etc, but stay far, far away from sugary sweet tea.

Try black tea and 70% or more cocoa dark chocolate for a polyphenol power treat! We like our tea and have a few recommendations. First, use loose tea whenever possible such as Classic Black from the Art of Tea or Twinning English Breakfast Tea. Bypass any low-quality, small particle, black tea. These tea leaves have been crushed to very small particles and may lack the benefit of high quality tea. They certainly lack the taste.

We like to brew it in 5 easy steps:

  1. Start with loose Black Tea in a tea infuser or tea “ball.”
  2. Use 1 tsp loose tea leaves per 8 oz. water.
  3. Pour very hot filtered water over tea leaves.
  4. Allow to steep for 3 minutes.
  5. Remove tea leaves and enjoy!

You may want to switch to Green Tea (Switch #19 spoiler-alert!) if sipping it after dinner. Black tea has the highest amount of caffeine of any tea. Depending on brewing, 8 oz. of black tea can contain as little as 20 mg caffeine or as much as 100 mg (for context, a moderately roasted coffee contains approximately 80-100 mg per 8 oz.). Keep brewing to just 3 minutes in hot water for the lower caffeine levels. Additionally, the finer (smaller) the tea, the more caffeine is infused.

This Fat-Burning Switch is best when used proactively rather than waiting until you’re in the middle of a stressful situation. If you’re unable to separate yourself from the situation and relax,

the caffeine may exacerbate your feelings of stress. Drink throughout the day to keep cortisol levels low and in control.


If brewed to for no more than 3 minutes with loose tea, caffeine amounts should stay low which makes it safe for most all adults.


Avoid if you have an allergy or sensitivity to any black tea components. Also, talk to your doctor if you are taking a class of antidepressants called MOA inhibitors, or if taking blood thinners. Avoid if you cannot tolerate caffeine.


Brew loose leaf black tea for no longer than 3 minutes. Drink 8-12 oz., 1-3 times per day.

Can you feel the stress slip away? A healthy mind and body can work together to give you the results you want.

13.EGGS(For More Than Your Easter Basket)

Like a teenage #ing, eggs and health experts have had an on-again o”-again relationship for years. Eggs have been made out to be villains by anti-cholesterol advisors, and heros in bodybuilding circles. Who can you believe? Here’s the facts: When you use Fat-Burning Switch #14 and trade in a bagel (or another grain product) for 2 large eggs at breakfast, you’ll likely burn more and eat less during the rest of the day. In a big way.

A simple egg breakfast can save you 143-400 calories per day,

8-24% of the Average American RMR.

We can hear the siren starting to sound and the red #ag going up. What about all the cholesterol and saturated fat? Sure, eggs contain cholesterol and a small amount of saturated fat. But almost all recent research points to man-made fats, like trans fats, refined carbs, and obesity as the leading culprits in chronic diseases like high cholesterol and heart disease.

Have your eggs and eat them too.

If you already have high cholesterol and you are not comfortable with 2 eggs at once, keep it to one whole egg per day plus egg whites. However, you’d be wise to talk it over with your doctor as the yolk holds the healthy vitamins and minerals and recent studies have failed to show a correlation between high bad cholesterol and egg consumption.

Eggs contain very-easy-to-digest proteins. They provide 7 grams of protein per large egg. The egg white, where approximately eighty percent of the protein is located, is an extremely lean source of protein. Leucine, a branched-chain amino acid, helps prevent muscle breakdown and promotes lean tissue protein synthesis.

Next, the yolk contains many important vitamins. Choline, a B-Vitamin, is important for brain function and homocystine reduction. Why is this important? A build-up of homocystine is associated with an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. What’s more, choline is incredibly important for women’s health as different lifecycle stages such as pregnancy and breastfeeding make many women deficient – and, heart disease is the number one killer of women.

All four fat-soluble vitamins are found in the yolk: Vitamins A, D, E, and K. In fact, egg yolks are one of the only naturally occurring sources of vitamin D. And for minerals, eggs contain phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, selenium, and zinc.

Guess what they don’t contain. No transfats, no high fructose corn syrup, no sodium, no chemicals you can’t pronounce, and no list of 50 ingredients.

An egg is a whole, natural food.

For an easy breakfast, try a couple eggs with unlimited vegetables and a grapefruit or apple on the side. You can #ip-#op it with a very high !ber whole grain breakfast (steel-cut oats with 2 Tbsp flaxseeds and ½ cup cottage cheese) to get eggs and !ber throughout the week. Or, a hard-boiled egg and a fruit and plain yogurt smoothie is a great way to start the day. You’ll feel energized, full, and satisfied.

If you’re looking for a more elaborate preparation, try a delicious omelet. When you’re short on cash, they make for a frugal, healthy snack or protein source for a meal at less than twenty cents each.

Skip the costly convenience foods and just add eggs!

You have a lot of choices when shopping for eggs. We recommend organic eggs from vegetarian-fed, cage-free hens. These eggs have more nutrients and less risk of salmonella. They also often have an increased amount of alpha linolenic acid, a type of omega 3 fat with many health benefits. Avoid any frozen egg breakfasts, egg white products (you can separate your own egg whites without the extra added ingredients), and instant eggs powders.


None identified.


Avoid if you have an allergy to eggs. Also, everyone should AVOID RAW EGGS.


Eat 2 eggs (or 1 whole egg and 1 egg white) every day, or every other day, for breakfast in place of grains. Add vegetables and fresh fruit. Could this be exactly what you need? A better, power breakfast that provides protein and a myriad of nutrients while saving you hundreds of calories. Let your body work for you. Give it a good start.

14.FIBER (Fiber It Up!)

When you think of fiber, what comes to mind? Usually, not anything very tasteful. However, fiber may be one of your best keys to fat loss. Why? Only because it promotes health, insulin sensitivity, fullness, optimal digestion, waste excretion, and an improved metabolism.

That’s all.

In fact, when you flip Fat-Burning Switch #14, and slowly increase your “ber intake by 14 grams per day, you can burn an extra 128 calories per day – 7% of the Average American RMR! For most Americans, this means a total !ber intake of about 25-35 grams per day. Try it, and you’ll likely feel fuller and eat less. This nutrient has a direct effect on the amount of calories burned during digestion. Anytime you eat, the food starts at your mouth, travels down you esophagus, and then sets in your stomach.

It’s your stomach’s job to begin breaking apart bonds and liquefying your food so that it can be absorbed in your intestines. Your stomach, strong as it is with hydrochloric acid and all, has nothing on fiber.

Try as it might, some types of fiber simply has bonds that the human stomach cannot break apart.

Animals on the other hand, can break apart these bonds and utilize the energy from fiber, which allows cows to weigh hundreds of pounds on a diet of grass.

Fiber delays digestion in your stomach. Then, finally, the food mass moves to the intestines. Unlike other carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, not all !ber is absorbed. Instead, much of it is used by the cells in your intestines as a healthy food supply. The healthy bacteria in your intestines also “eat” it, which has many bene!cial e”ects for you.

As the fiber that is absorbed slowly makes its way to the blood stream, it is used without a need for extra insulin, so it doesn’t promote extra fat storage. It also makes your cells more insulin sensitive.

Not just for constipation and colon cancer, is it?

It’s easier than you realize to add 14 grams of !ber. You can add #axseeds (2 grams fiber per Tbsp) or Chia seeds (3-5 grams !ber per Tbsp) to boost the !ber in your smoothies, cereal, oatmeal, cottage cheese, or yogurt. You can add more beans to your diet. Beans are one of the world’s healthiest foods. They offer protein, fiber, antioxidants and many vitamins and minerals. You’ll get upwards of 5 grams of fiber for just ½ cup cooked beans. Use them in place of grains at dinner or on top of a salad at lunch.

You can eat more fruits and vegetables. They average about 2-3 grams of fiber per serving. Add 1 to breakfast, eat a fruit and a vegetable at lunch, and cover half your plate with vegetables at dinner.

There’s more than 14 grams right there.

You don’t have to go nuts, but you certainly might want to. In just 1 serving of nuts, ¼ cup, they provide 3-4 grams of !ber. This is the perfect size for a snack and will top off your fiber needs. On days that you don’t eat eggs for breakfast, you can choose Steel Cut Oats or a high fiber/low sugar cereal sugar as Uncle Sam’s Cereal or All-Bran. Be sure to add some protein on the side.

While fiber is a super nutrient, when it’s stripped from foods, as in the case with re!ned grains and fruit juice, the opposite is true. When you eat or drink one of these fiber-stripped foods, the starch or juice is quickly digested and demands more insulin secretion (again, more fat storage). Refined grains are Fat-Burning Killers. Flip the 14th switch, and make the switch from refined grains to high fiber foods.

If you’ve been told that you cannot have fiber because of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or another digestion issue, you may not have been told the whole story. It’s very important to distinguish between soluble fiber and insoluble !ber when you have any condition that makes insoluble fiber intolerable. Insoluble fiber is the roughage portion (think apple peel) while soluble fiber is the softer fiber (think white part of apple). Soluble !ber is a therapeutic agent for most all intestinal issues and promotes health and healing. Insoluble fiber can be too rough. With whole foods, you can try to remove any peels, seeds, or other insoluble !ber portions. You may have to avoid highly insoluble fiber foods altogether (popcorn, nuts). You can also cook or puree foods with insoluble fiber to break it down. Lastly, proactively take an insoluble fiber and probiotic supplement (healthy bacteria) to promote healing.

Don’t be shy; we realize you may be worried about gassiness with added fiber. To alleviate this issue, add fiber slowly and in small amounts throughout the day (don’t eat 20 grams of fiber all at breakfast!). Only add one to two new high-fiber foods per week to allow your body to get used to.

Also, try to note any specific high fiber foods that cause the problem. Often, sulfur containing foods like broccoli and cauliflower or beans are the culprit. If this doesn’t work, realize that it is just a part of a healthy life. Or, instead of making a stink about it, try a product like Beano, which helps your body breakdown the fiber without the gassy side effects (the health benefits of fiber are worth it!). You can combine this Fat-Burning Switch with #11, if you’d like. By adding 1 extra serving of fruit and 1 of vegetables, you’ve likely already added 4-6 grams of fiber. Don’t use the preload as part of these 14 grams, though. Soluble !ber supplements are great for reducing calorie intake and keeping digestion healthy, but they don’t have the complete effect of a real, whole, high-fiber food.

Keep it real.

Look to foods that naturally have !ber, like those we’ve mentioned rather than !ber-added functional foods. Skip the candy bars and cereals with added !ber and mounds of sugar (there’s a reason these taste like candy).


If fiber is added too quickly, you may notice some bloating and gassiness. Add slowly and throughout the day rather than all at one meal.


If you have a gastrointestinal sensitivity to soluble or insoluble fiber, discuss it with your doctor.


Add 14 grams of fiber through whole foods like fruits and vegetables,  flaxseeds, Chia seeds, nuts, oats, high fiber cereals and beans every day. Fantastic, Fabulous, Fiber. Soon enough, you’ll be singing its praises with us.

15 .CALCIUM (Calcium Does A Body Good)

What’s with the milk – fat loss connection? Flip Fat-Burning Switch #15, and get 1100 mg of calcium per day to cause enough weight loss to equate to an extra 125 calories burned per day, 7% of the Average American RMR.

All without one push-up, pull-up, or sit-up.

Some of the original studies actually happened by accident – the researchers were studying the effects of calcium on high blood pressure and discovered that the groups receiving higher calcium actually lost more weight and fat. More studies have shown that participants who receive 1100 mg calcium per day while on a calorie-controlled weight loss diet lose more than those on lower calcium regimens – a lot more.

Both supplements and food sources work for this one. If you want it quick and easy, go for supplements. If you’d like to start with food, you’ll get about 300 mg calcium from 8 oz. milk (dairy, soy, almond, rice) or 8 oz. plain yogurt. Flavored dairy and soy yogurts usually provide 150-300 mg calcium per serving. One ounce of cheese and ½ cup cottage cheese gives 150 mg calcium. To find the amount of calcium in a food as listed on the nutrition label, look at the calcium percentage. It’s based on 1000mg…so, 30% equals 300 mg.

Speaking of yogurt, it sometimes seems like you need some sort of advanced degree to make it out of the aisle. With all its sugar, we often confuse it with the candy aisle. Yogurt usually comes in 5 varieties: Plain, Greek, Light, Fat-free, and Low-fat. All but “light” can be found within organic brands. Organic Plain or Greek yogurt is your best bet (watch out for sugar- sweetened Greek yogurts, though). These will have minimal ingredients and high protein. The Greek style tends to be creamier, less sour, and higher priced.

Light yogurts have artificial sweeteners (often aspartame, so stay away). Fat-free yogurts often have “sneaky” artificial sweeteners added AND sugar or high fructose corn syrup (HFCF). Low-fat yogurts typically have very high amounts of sugar and HFCS (some of them have 40+ grams!)! Like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, low-fat yogurt can trick even the most diligent shopper.

If you don’t want organic plain or Greek, choose a flavored variety of either Organic Greek or Organic regular yogurt. Being organic, they shouldn’t have arti!cial sweeteners or HFCS. Twelve grams of sugar is the amount naturally found in 8 oz. yogurt, so anything above that is added.

Overall, dairy foods are a good choice since the calcium is very well absorbed. The protein they contain is also highly absorbable and reduces muscle wasting even with weight loss. The natural carbohydrates in milk and yogurt are low-glycemic (only small impact on blood sugars and insulin secretion).

Again, take care to find hormone-free (rBST- and/or rBGH-free) and antibiotic-free dairy (choosing organic makes this easy).

If you cannot tolerate dairy due to lactose, try lactose-free milk, cheese (very little lactose), cottage cheese (very little lactose), and yogurt (lactose has been partially broken down by bacteria).

If you cannot tolerate dairy due to protein sensitivity or allergy, or if you simply want to avoid dairy, find substitutes that provide calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D such as fortified rice milk or almond milk.

There are small amounts of calcium in other foods like vegetables. However, this calcium isn’t as well absorbed since it is bound by oxalates (components of the vegetables).

And remember to hit Fat-Burning Switch #2, since Vitamin D is mandatory for calcium metabolism.

For supplements, we recommend those with calcium citrate or calcium carbonate. You can also combine this Switch with #2, Vitamin D, and use a calcium + vitamin D supplement. Examples are Caltrate Calcium 600 + Vitamin D (1200mg calcium +800 IU vitamin D in 2 tablets), Oscal Chewable, (1000 mg calcium + 800 IU vitamin D in 2 chewable tablets).

On the other hand, not all calcium supplements are great. Avoid any with Dolomite, Bone Meal, or Oyster Shell (may contain heavy metal or lead). Avoid Calcium Gluconate and Calcium Lactate (contain low amounts of elemental calcium). Also, don’t pay extra for Coral Calcium. It’s effective but simply calcium carbonate.


None identified.


Talk to your doctor if you have a history of ventricular fibrillation, hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia. Talk to your doctor if you have a history of kidney stones, acidosis, kidney or heart disease, cor pulmonale, respiratory acidosis, respiratory failure, or are taking Digitalis for heart failure. Do not take calcium at the same time as other medications as it can decrease their absorption and effectiveness.


Get 1100 mg of calcium through supplement (split into two doses) or food (dairy or fortified foods) every day. Getting enough calcium is an easy way to boost the fat loss. It will do your body good.

16.NUTS(Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut)

Sometimes you feel like a nut. We sure do, anyway. The 16th Fat-Burning Switch provides a direct increase in calorie output, a decrease in insulin resistance, and improved metabolism. By eating ½ cup nuts per day, you can flip Fat-Burning Switch #16 and reap a 7% increase in RMR, an average extra burn of 122 calories per day!

Amazingly, with ¾ cup of peanuts per day, researchers found an 11% direct increase in RMR in study participants (7% with ½ cup). In another study, participants lost 62% more weight when consuming the same amount of calories as almonds vs. complex carbohydrates. Nuts just seem to help us eat less, burn more, and lose more.

They are more than just calorie boosters.

Nuts are high in monounsaturated fats. Remember, these are the Mediterranean-type fats that are known to reduce Insulin Resistance, improve cholesterol, and reduce chronic in#ammation. They are also associated with decreased abdominal fat. They are high in key minerals and antioxidants.

There are two ingredients to beware of when buying nuts. One is too much salt. The other is partially hydrogenated fats. You can avoid both of these with raw nuts. If you like a little bit of salt, go for lightly salted (less than 100 mg sodium per serving) and dry roasted. Look for minimal ingredients.

Anytime you have chipotle chili cheese nuts, you are subjecting yourself to a whole host of chemical ingredients, none of which are likely chili or cheese.

But won’t I get sick of nuts? Surprisingly, when studied, the participants reported NOT being tired of eating them. Maybe the fat loss helped. To flip this switch, eat ¼ cup nuts as a snack. Then add another ¼ cup to any meal. Add them to a breakfast smoothie. Add them to a lunch or dinner salad…out with the croutons, in with the nuts. Use them to replace chips at lunch.

Add them to a breakfast parfait of cottage cheese and yogurt. Add them to a dinner stir-fry. Coconut oil. Protein. Lots of Veggies. Nuts.  While nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter) are nutritious, scientists have not been able to replicate the metabolism bene!ts. It may be that something is lost in processing. They may be too easy to digest, thus losing some of the bene!ts of fiber. Nut butter still offer a lot of health bene!ts. But, for the fat loss metabolism boost, stick with whole.

Of course, there is a rise in peanut allergies. Although the reason is not completely clear, there is little doubt that food allergies are either increasing or food allergy diagnoses are increasing. It may be that now in the information age, more and more people are able to identify the symptoms of a food allergy and get a diagnosis than we’re able to in previous generations who simply “just lived with” the symptoms. Some hypothesize that our overuse of antibiotics and antibacterial agents has killed enough of our natural defenses to increase our incidence of immune-mediated conditions like allergies. Still others believe that our intake of chemicals found in foods, pesticides, and the environment play a role in the increasing peanut and food allergy problem.

No matter what the reason, if you are allergic to peanuts, stay away. If you are allergic to tree nuts, don’t eat them. If you cannot eat either, try seeds such as sun#ower seeds and pumpkin seeds. While we are not aware of specific research that shows the same metabolism boost, they certainly deliver many of the same types of nutrients as nuts. They are beneficial, with or without a specific study.


None identified.


Avoid if you have an allergy to peanuts and tree nuts (consider substituting sun#ower or pumpkin seeds).


Eat ½ cup of any type of nuts (almonds and peanuts, especially), in 2 separate servings every day. If you’re not comfortable eating so much fat, keep working to get there. What you may have been taught, to eat a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet, has failed. It’s failed all of us. Look to heart-healthy fats for delicious taste and even metabolism reprogramming. Go nuts.

17.BREAKFAST (The Most Important Meal Of The Day)

THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY. Breakfast. Old wives’ tale or science? The 17th Fat- Burning Switch, breakfast, is no tall tale. It can help you burn more, eat less, and even affect your metabolism throughout the day. When you flip Fat-Burning Switch #17, and eat a high-protein or high-fiber breakfast, you can burn and save enough calories to equate to 174 burned per day, 10% the Average American RMR!

Many studies have correlated lower BMIs with breakfast eaters, and have even shown an increase in RMR and a decrease in daily calorie consumption. Your metabolism starts firing when your body knows it’s being fueling consistently…that starts with breakfast. Then, breakfast eaters are less likely to overeat later in the day (overeating all at once promotes extra insulin secretion) and typically “save” calories. Lastly, our insulin response is greater throughout the morning and even in the afternoon when we don’t eat breakfast.

A healthy 400-calorie breakfast could cause a 174 calorie daily deficit (from an extra 84 calorie thermogenesis and 90 calorie appetite suppression), or 10% American RMR. To get the boost, eat a high protein or high fiber breakfast every day. In fact, the more consistent you are with eating breakfast, the better. It’s about habit.

However, some breakfasts will not help your metabolism. High sugar, high transfat, or breakfasts with high fructose corn syrup (those little processed pastries in the convenience store just won’t do). Don’t sabotage your best opportunity to set a healthy tone for your day. There are many healthy, delicious options. Try an egg breakfast. Scrambled, fried (in coconut oil), hard-boiled, vegetable omelet. Rushed in the morning? A whey protein, fruit, nut, flaxseed, and yogurt smoothie can be made the night before and saved in the refrigerator.

Breakfast is one of your best opportunities to get high-quality fiber. Steel cut oats with flaxseeds and high fiber cereals (with less than 5 grams of sugar) are readily available and a great way to start!

To non-breakfast eaters, breakfast often just seems like extra calories. How in the world will that help you lose fat? Remember, it is NOT calories in and calories out. Metabolism and fat loss go way beyond caloric intake at any one meal. They depend on the health of your cells and hormones. They depend on consistency and habits. Breakfast gets it started.

Breakfast often gets the shaft because many of us are too busy in the mornings or satisfied with just our cup of coffee. Remember to eat proactively and fuel your body. How do you expect it to run well after it has fasted all night only to have high demands from the moment your feet hit the floor?

It is very important to think of food as fuel for your body, just like gas is fuel for your car. There are foods with nutrients that you need, and foods that you simply don’t need. You need fuel before you hit empty. You need fuel to start your day. You need more fuel when you are engaging in activities (during the day) and less when you are not active (during the evening).

When you can think of food as fuel, and eat what your body needs, this becomes easy. This is not to say that you will never eat unhealthy foods or sleep in and have brunch instead of a special weekend. You will…and this is okay. But the day in day out eating needs to be fuel for your body in an amount that will provide adequate energy and nutrients (fuel) for your day.

If you find that you are just not hungry for breakfast, think about dinner instead. What? Typically, when a client is never hungry for breakfast, we find that he or she is overeating dinner. Move dinner to an earlier time and keep it light…you’ll be hungry for a healthy breakfast and your metabolism will thank you!

Some schedules make this Fat-Burning Switch a little harder to flip. If you work the night-shift for example, it can be diffcult to define breakfast. Whatever your schedule, be consistent with your own eating pattern. Even if you wake up at 2:00 pm, you can treat your first meal of the day as breakfast. Don’t fall into the trap of eating multiple high-calorie “dinners” when you could start with healthy breakfast foods (like eggs or a high fiber cereal).


None identified.


No medical contraindications identified.


Consistently eat a healthy breakfast every day. Eat high-protein and/or high fiber breakfasts. Although our society puts the most emphasis on dinner, it’s breakfast that makes all the difference.

Break your nightly fast with a Fat-Burning Switch each morning! Let’s get it started.

18.RED CHILI PEPPERS (Burn Baby Burn)

Burn away the fat. Literally. Although the sight of red chili peppers makes some people sweat, they are a regular part of life for others. And, ready or not, they’re about to become a regular part of your life. To flip Fat-Burning Switch #18, add a small amount of red chili peppers to burn and save 63-188 calories per day, 3.5-10.8% of the Average American RMR.

Red chili peppers contain substances called capsaicin which are part of the Capsinoid family. Capsaicin promote fullness, reduce calorie intake in study participants, and increase energy expenditure (direct, measured energy output). But man, are they hot! If you’re not used to them, start small. For the full 188 calorie metabolic boost, it takes 1 Tbsp chopped red chili peppers 3 times per day. But of course, any amount is better than none.

Above the calorie burn and satiety of chilies, they are hugely anti-inflammatory. They may reduce risk of some cancers and cause cancer cell death, improve cardiovascular markers, reduce blood sugars and risk of developing diabetes, improve symptoms of rhinitis, and provide anti-ulcer benefits for those infected with H. pylori. Chopped red chili peppers can easily be added to scrambled eggs, sandwiches, tuna salads, egg salads, hummus, beans, sautéed vegetables, green or tomato smoothies, salad dressings, salsas, sauces, oil for corn on the cob, grilled meat, grilled vegetables, ground meats, pizza, stir-fries, and much more!

To keep chopped chilies handy, chop a large amount and refrigerate (if using within a few days) or freeze them (if using within a few months) in 1 Tbsp size dollops. When chopping red chilies, don’t touch your eyes!

There are also capsiates, another type of capsinoid. Capsiates are found in CH-19 chili peppers, a very specific pepper grown in East Asia. Researchers have had great results with increased calorie burn in studies using capsiate supplements (weight loss that correlates with 75 calories/day, 4% AARMR over 12 weeks!). And the best part? They do not produce the same hot mouth feel as capsaicins. Unfortunately, at present, capsiate and capsiate supplements are not readily available in North America and are hard to come by. Until they are more available, you’ll have to burn baby burn and get great metabolic benefits from red chili peppers.

We recommend any hot red chili pepper. You can also mix it up with jalapenos since they have capsaicins as well. Although most research uses red chili peppers, the bene!ts are from the capsaicins. There are jarred jalapenos and red chili pepper condiments, but they are usually laden with sodium and therefore, not the best choice. You can use pure chili powder (not those with other ingredients) – try 1/16 tsp for approximately the equivalent of ¼ a fresh chili.

Although sweet bell peppers are great for you as a vegetable, and we recommend eating as many vegetables that you can, they will not Flip Fat-Burning Switch #18.


Irritation to hands and eyes, burning sensation in the mouth, nasal decongestion, acid reflux.


Avoid if you have an intolerance and sensitivity to chilies.


Add 1 Tbsp chopped red chili peppers to foods, 1-3 times per day. Red chili peppers are better on your plate than hung in decoration. You may need to start small or keep it to just 1 serving per day, but even a small amount will begin calorie burn. Burn baby burn.

19.GREEN TEA(Go Green Or Go Home)

The 19th Fat-Burning Switch is where East meets West. Green Tea. How can it help you burn calories and lose fat? The catechins in green tea and green tea extract supplements can increase your RMR by 79-110 calories/day, 4-6.3% of the Average American RMR. With this increased RMR, you’ll get weight loss results…specifically, abdominal fat. Study participants consumed 125 mg green tea catechins (metabolically active components of tea) from green tea up to 3 times per day. They had a direct increase in RMR plus the benefits of antioxidants and polyphenols.

To flip this Switch, seep 2-6 grams of loose tea (or 1-2 small bags) for 3 minutes in warm-hot water. Then, add some vitamin C such as your morning vitamin C supplement or a high vitamin C fruit/ vegetable (guava, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, peppers, etc.). You can also squeeze lemon or fresh orange juice into your tea.

The catechins are dynamic components of whole food, so they can degrade over time. In fact, they can be altered during digestion if they are not protected with an antioxidant. Vitamin C acts as a protective antioxidant. Many green tea supplements contain an antioxidant as well.

Don’t like green tea? You can switch to oolong for slightly less benefit.

An easy way to get the green tea catechins is to take a supplement. However, you won’t necessarily get all the additional health bene!ts. Like other teas, green tea is associated with reduced cortisol levels and decreased stress. Again, chronically high cortisol levels promote insulin resistance, which negatively affects your metabolism. Drinking tea can be stress relief in a cup.

If you’d like to try capsules, we recommend Andrew Lessman’s Green Tea EGCG-200 (very little caffeine and 200 mg catechins per 1 capsule), Extract (more caffeine – take in the morning – 190 mg catechins in 4 capsules), Karuna Green Tea Extract (beware: contains 80 mg caffeine) with ~400 mg catechins in 3 capsules. If you’d like to drink your tea, try Soose Green Tea Leaves, Stash Darjeeling Organic Green Tea, or Celestial Seasonings Authentic Green Tea.

On the flip side, avoid Douglas Laboratories Green Tea Extract Max-V (contains lead) and Karuna Green Tea Extract (if avoiding caffeine or drinking afternoon). Also, bottled teas just don’t contain the same concentration of the health and metabolism-promoting components. These components are dynamic and degrade over time. Some research has indicated 10 to 100 times fewer polyphenols in bottled teas than brewed.

Add your own flavors by pouring iced green tea over fresh fruit (like apple slices) or frozen fruit (like frozen cherries). You can also add a small amount (a couple of tablespoons) of lemon juice, orange juice, cranberry juice, grape juice, or vegetable juice (you can use as much vegetable juice as desired). Or, try organic Stevia to sweeten it. Lastly, for hot tea, try pouring it over a cinnamon stick, cloves, or other spices.

Depending on the leaves used (more finely crushed increased caffeine) and how long it’s brewed, green tea can have 5-30 mg caffeine. A common mistake is to use to hot of water or to brew too long. This will make tea bitter.


If brewed to for no more than 3 minutes with loose tea, caffeine amounts should stay low which makes it safe for most all adults.


Avoid if you have an allergy or sensitivity to any green tea components. Avoid if you cannot tolerate caffeine. Also, talk to your doctor if you are taking a class of antidepressants called MOA inhibitors, cancer medications called proteasome inhibitors, or if taking blood thinners talk to your doctor. In rare cases, green tea supplements have been associated with liver toxicity – please discontinue use and consult your doctor if you experience abdominal pain, dark urine, or jaundice.


Consume 125 mg green tea catechins from 8 ounces brewed tea or from supplements up to 3 times per day every day (approximately 375 mg catechins total). When drinking tea, add a vitamin C source to provide antioxidant protection.

Another drink that will provide antioxidants and cortisol reduction. It increases calorie output and satiety. It’s not all about what we eat. Instead, burn fat to a “T.”


But I’m just not a snacker. Many times, clients have negative connotations about snacks. And why not? Snack foods are often laden with sodium, chemicals, and sugars. Snacking is equated with laziness and being undisciplined. When you flip Fat-Burning Switch #20, though, you’ll use portioned, healthy snacks to your advantage.

And, it’s no small advantage.

By eating consistent, small meals and snacks throughout the day rather than fewer large ones, you can boost your energy output by 174 calories per day, 10% of the Average American RMR.

In fact, one study showed that consistent meal eaters usually have a higher thermic effect of food (direct calorie burn during digestion) after they eat a meal whereas irregular meal eaters have a lower thermic effect of food after a meal. The consistent eaters burned approximately 58 more calories over a post-meal 3 hour period than the irregular eaters. Furthermore, regular eater usually has a lower insulin secretion and higher insulin sensitivity, both of which work against fat storage. Based on this and the calorie burn after 3 consistent meals per day, you can improve your metabolism and burn 174 calories more every day!

Add inconsistent small healthy snacks between meals for more burn and more nutrition. If you think consistency is too boring, realize that in terms of eating patterns, your body will burn calories well in balance. You can vary calories and food choices, but keep the pattern consistent.

Your daily hormonal cycles are meant to be consistent (they are cycles, after all). They respond best with healthy metabolism, the ability to sleep well, and optimal energy levels with a consistent routine and eating pattern.

It does not mean you have to eat the same things every day.

It simply means to eat at approximately the same times every day. Don’t skip breakfast. Don’t skip meals. Don’t fast all day long and then overeat at dinner. If you don’t know how to set up a healthy eating pattern, try breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, optional small snack. A healthy snack can be any small portion of a whole, healthy food. Mixing a protein and high-!ber source makes a great snack combo. For example: 1 oz. fat-free cottage cheese + 1 small peach, or ¼ cup nuts.

Eating small meals and snacks throughout the day can optimize your energy levels and nutrient intake. Remember, a snack should be a healthy, intentional, and portioned snack between two meals. Not snacking uncontrolled on “snacky” foods.

Healthy snacks are recommended because they:

  1.  help improve metabolism by providing your body with a consistent energy flow.
  2. decrease the risk of being overly hungry at the next meal and overeating.
  3. increase the chances of getting all the nutrients you need in a day.
  4. decrease the amount of calories you eat at one meal and thereby decrease the amount of calories your body will likely store as fat

Our recommended eating pattern is different than snacking or grazing throughout the day mindlessly without regard to portion. Grazing entails eating all through the day…nibbling here and there. We’re not fans. Instead, eat your small snack and be done with it. You’re fueled, now move on.

Many people recommend only eating when you are hungry. They say you should follow your hunger ques to determine when and what to eat. In a perfect, no-stress, no-busy-schedules world, maybe. In our world, we disagree. For most people, busy schedules, emotions, family needs, dehydration, and energy levels strongly in#uence our realization of hunger.

In order to take control of these factors, we first need to fuel our bodies for energy, metabolism, and health by eating proactively.

Then, as we become used to a consistent routine, our bodies will be healthy enough to send us hunger and “satisfied” signals properly and we’ll be clued in enough to hear them.

In order to eat proactively, you must:

  1. Prepare ahead of time. Shop for, prep, and take your healthy foods with you.
  2.  Make eating a priority. Even when working up against a deadline, is skipping lunch, just a simple 10-minute break for healthy food, really going to cause you to fail? Not usually. And, you will work more efficiently when you’ve fueled properly.


None identified.


No medical contraindications identified.


Consistently eat breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, dinner, and an optional small snack after dinner. Don’t graze, but eat and move onto other things.

Hunger is not a call to action. Instead, see it as a sign that your body is doing what it should and digesting foods properly. Proactively eat healthy, small meals and snacks throughout the day. Fuel yourself.

21. WAKE UP IN CONTROL(Rise and Shine)

Beep, beep, beep. Out of bed running. If your mornings are rushed and stressed, you may be sabotaging your calorie burn from the moment you wake up. If instead, you rise (slowly) and shine (brightly) every morning, you can combat extra cortisol from the start of each day. Cortisol, the hormone linked to stress that promotes insulin resistance (and therefore fat storage), is naturally highest in the morning hours. If you rush around in a stressful !t all morning, you’ll produce even more. Reduce cortisol from the moment you wake up.

To flip Fat-Burning Switch #21, wake up to something pleasant (sunlight, soft sounds, etc) rather than a harsh beep. Take a few moments for meditation, prayer, or reflection. Organize your morning. Complete morning tasks the night before when able. Make your health a priority by doing what it takes to reduce your daily stress from the get-go.

It takes a little preparation to make this a reality. The night before, you can make your healthy lunch, do any breakfast prep work if needed (make a large batch of smoothies, hard-boiled eggs, etc), prepare your briefcase or work bag, and make sure your vehicle is gassed and ready.

Then, in the morning, open the shades and blinds as soon as possible for some natural light. Eat a healthy breakfast. Drink stress-busting tea. Aim to be a few minutes early to work. Of course, a stress-free morning has a lot to do with a restful night. Sleep matters. But for many Americans, it simply is not a priority and/or not an easy task. It is crucial for health and a firing metabolism.

To make sleep easier,

  • Establish a consistent routine in which you wake up and go to sleep at approximately the same time every day.
  • Finish eating 2-3 hours before bedtime and keep evening intake light.
  • Be diligent in making your room dark and comfortable at night (blackout blinds, white noise, etc).
  • Avoid bright lights that shine at you before bed (bright reading lights, for example)
  • Take in bright natural light every morning.


None identified.


No medical contraindications identified.


Daily, wake to a soft sound. Get into naturally bright light as soon as feasible. Eat a healthy breakfast. Take time to slow down & be in control.

We’re all in a rush. Find a way out. An uncontrolled morning means high cortisol, insulin resistance, and fluster. How can you be in control? With a little planning and preparation, you can wake up in control. You can fight fat from the start.



Are you ready to start targeting your health at a cellular level? To promote insulin sensitivity (instead of resistance), lower levels of cortisol, and fat burning?

In just 7 minutes a day, you can put these 21 potent, research-based metabolism-boosting strategies to work for you. You can undo the damage. You can make your body work for you rather than against you. You can improve the health of your cells. You can burn calories and prime your body to burn fat. When we set out, our goal was to:

You’ll do this with healthy fats, the right vitamins, the right eating pattern, polyphenols, antioxidants, a less sedentary day, more !ber, more satiety, less stress, more spices, the right foods, and the right drinks.

In 7 Minutes per Day.

Time for action.

You’ve read through all 21 powerful Fat-Burning Switches, so where do you go from here?

Start by putting the ones that are easiest for you into practice. Turn these into daily habits.

Then, begin adding 1-2 at a time that are a little more work for you. And although some will be easier than others, ALL 21 Fat-Burning Switches are quick, potent tactics to improve your metabolism. To burn more. To store less. Keep adding them until you’ve made all 21 daily habits. Don’t stop there.

We’re here for you. Take advantage of the 7 Minute Diet Assessment and Coaching program! Amazingly, it’s yours FREE for 30 days.

First, you’ll get a comprehensive analysis of where you are now in terms of daily habits, and how you can improve. Then, you’ll receive daily email interaction with a 7 Minute Diet expert, one-on-one coaching for answers to your questions, support, recipes, more insight, and tips to spur you on. Continue this relationship month after month until you meet your goals.

Thank you for allowing us into your life. We know you can bene!t from the 7 Minute Diet as we’ve seen these Fat-Burning Switches work too many times to count. You’ve trusted us with your time, money, and fat-loss aspirations.

We don’t take that lightly.

It is our sincere hope that you will meet all your health, weight, and fat-loss goals. And beyond.

We wish you the absolute best on this journey.

Now, flip your Fat-Burning Switches and lose the fat!

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