BY Nick Garcia

Signs You’re Magnesium Deficient

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body and is used in over 300 different physiological processes. Unfortunately, magnesium is also one of the most pervasive deficiencies in our society today. Could the lack of magnesium be influencing your health negatively? This article breaks down the signs of a magnesium deficiency […]

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BY Nick Garcia

Why women should DOUBLE their carbs

Hey There, Big bowls of grandma’s pasta… hot loaves of fresh bread… a sizzling slice of pizza… These are all “forbidden foods” that turn a woman’s belly into a fat magnet, right? Maybe… or maybe not as we’re finding out… If you want a leaner body and to fit more comfortably in your favorite clothes… […]

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BY Nick Garcia

The #1 “bodyfat-eating” hormone…

To begin, I apologize for the dark nature of today’s article. However I promise what you’ll discover today will be completely worth it. Imagine a rotting corpse draped over your body from head to toe… …suffocating tissue, restricting blood flow, damaging joints and infecting your healthy cells. Shockingly, that nightmare is a reality for most: […]

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