
Turmeric Tea

The curcumin in turmeric fights chronic inflammation. Curcumin, the main active compound that gives turmeric its golden color, is responsible for most of its anti-inflammatory benefits. Turmeric contains more than two dozen anti-inflammatory compounds, including six different pain, swelling and inflammation inhibitors, according to Dr. Weil. An excellent way to ...

Tart Cherry Tea

  Tart cherries work to reduce chronic inflammation by subduing inflammatory pathways. Turns out, tart cherries top the list of anti-inflammatory foods. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition looked at 10 healthy women ages 22 to 40. After fasting overnight, the women ate two servings of cherries. Blood ...

Pineapple Tea

  The bromelain in pineapple reduces chronic inflammation. Research from the University of Southampton in the UK looked at the analgesic effects of  bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple used to reduce swelling and inflammation. The studies concluded that this enzyme was comparable to or even more effective than NSAID ...

Dandelion Tea

  Dandelion tea can detox the body and fight chronic inflammation. Dandelions are more than just a weed. They can detoxify your body, relieve constipation, soothe an upset stomach, help reduce water weight and help fight inflammation. Dandelion tea is made from the roots or leaves of the plant and ...

The Quick and Easy Morning Wellness Shot

  Ready To Start Your Keto Diet? If you’re still unsure about how to eat, what to eat or what to avoid, don’t worry you’re not alone! There is a little-known diet system called The 3-Week Ketogenic Diet which will teach you everything you need to know and guide you through ...

6 Teas That Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation: it’s on everyone’s lips these days — and for good reason. But we’re not talking about acute inflammation, necessary for healing your wounds. We’re talking about a more sinister kind, called chronic inflammation. It plays a key role in many chronic diseases, contributing to heart disease, arthritis, cancer and ...

11 Foods Affecting Your Thyroid Health

Introduction It is estimated that 20 million Americans have a thyroid problem, and that 12 percent of the general population will develop a thyroid problem in their lifetime. Those numbers only continue to grow. Autoimmune hypothyroidism, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, is the most common autoimmune disorder that exists, primarily affecting women. ...

Paleo And Hormone Balancing

What Are Hormones? Hormones are chemical messengers that are responsible for controlling many bodily functions—from appetite to emotions, reproduction to metabolism, and many things in between. Hormones are synthesized, or made, in endocrine organs. Endocrine organs are also known as glands, and the hormone-producing glands include the pituitary, parathyroid, thyroid, ...

How to Lose Weight When Your Thyroid Is Unhealthy

When you’re battling a thyroid condition or imbalance, trying to lose weight can feel like a cruel joke. You try to eat well, and you take your thyroid medication. But nothing seems to help. So what gives? It’s common knowledge that the thyroid regulates metabolism. If the thyroid is struggling, so ...

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